The Network has described how the typical New year in Russia

The Network has described how the typical New year in Russia

In Twitter there was a fascinating thread.

A few days left before the main and beloved holiday — New year. Despite the many alternatives, the majority of people in Russia used to celebrate the holiday at home with family and friends.

The same attributes of such a celebration are feast with Olivier, jelly and sausage rolls, the President’s speech with a solemn speech, and “Irony of fate or With light steam!” on TV.

A Twitter user named Denis Nikitin decided to paint all more in detail and on 24 December began to publish the most common phrases and actions occurring during the celebration of the average New year in Russia. Learn these phrases themselves and their families will not be easy.


“This year was very difficult for us…”

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 26 Dec 2018

*have a salad left a bit of salad
*remains mum put in your plate without asking

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 24 Dec 2018

I went to put the potatoes

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 24 Dec 2018

And what you do not eat?

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 24 Dec 2018

*ignoring a guest who constantly says, “let’s GO for a WALK!” for as long as possible

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 24 Dec 2018

Turn down let plays in the background!

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 24 Dec 2018

*unintelligible bellowing of the third verse of the hymn*

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 24 Dec 2018

One poured?

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 26 Dec 2018

Empty bottles on the table do not put!

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 26 Dec 2018

Jelly quickly ran out :(((

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 26 Dec 2018

*Desk high
*sofa low
“Here, put the pillow”

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 26 Dec 2018

I did a little bit only


Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 27 December 2018.

Long boring sugary rhyming greetings from the saved texts in your phone

Denis Nikitin (@NikitinYar) 26 Dec 2018

To finish the holiday trade Denis promised 31 Dec. And by that time, apparently, he already is completely ready holiday scenario.

See also:

  • British woman travels by train through Russia and tells about it in social networks
  • The American Christmas was on a plane to support her daughter, a flight attendant

