In Russia changed the procedure of conducting the exam
In Russia approved the new regulations of the state final examination. Changes in General are not global, but they are sufficient: anyway, they will affect the most students.
Home “new” in the math exam. Graduates of 2019 will not be able to pass at once and basic, and specialized exam, as it was before: now they will have to choose one or the other. Why is it necessary? It is anticipated that those graduates who choose the relevant math, is easy to handle and with the baseline. Conversely, those who chose “database”, “profile” may seem too complicated.
What to do if still overestimated their strength? Provided that:
In case of unsatisfactory result of the exam in mathematics, it is possible to change the selected level of the exam to retake in backup time. It is also envisaged that graduates of previous years, having a certificate may not be members of the exam in mathematics basic level, — the press-service of Rosobrnadzor.