Putin will instruct the attorney General to verify the case of human rights activist Ponomarev

Putin will instruct the attorney General to verify the case of human rights activist Ponomarev

President Vladimir Putin promised to instruct the public Prosecutor Yury Chaika to check the case of 77-year-old human rights activist Lev Ponomarev, who is under arrest.


“Of course, I’ll ask Yury Chaika to look closely (on the case),” — said Putin at a meeting of the Council for development of civil society and human rights (HRC).

At the same time, according to the President, to call into question the validity of the court’s decision “very difficult, just impossible.”

There the court, he made the decision, then the second solution. I, of course, came from the fact that this topic comes up (at the meeting). But what I saw from the reference, which read, — it was about the calls for unauthorized rallies, marches. We don’t want to have a event in Paris, where apart the pavement.Mr Putinprime

Before the HRC member Nikolai Svanidze told the President about Ponomarev. Svanidze said to Putin that the reputation of a defender of “clean as freshly washed glass.”

Tver court arrested Ponomarev December 5, finding him guilty of repeated violation of the rules of holding mass events (part 8 of article 20.2 of the administrative code). The reason for the arrest was his post in social networks with calls to take part in an inconsistent rally in support of the defendants in Affairs of “Network” and “the New greatness”. On 7 December the Moscow city court revised the sentence, reducing the arrest to 16 days.

