Non-food alcohol-containing products are banned to sell cheaper alcohol

Non-food alcohol-containing products are banned to sell cheaper alcohol

SLIDES, 10 Dec — RIA Novosti. Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree banning the sale of non-food alcohol-containing products at a price below the minimum established for alcoholic products.


New document deprives the trade in such goods of the economic feasibility.

The decree also prohibits the sale of non-food infusions in the cafés and restaurants.

“I hope this will also help to reduce the number of poisonings of this kind of alcohol-containing liquids”, — concluded the Prime Minister.

The topic has acquired special relevance after the mass poisoning in Irkutsk region counterfeit bath concentrate “Hawthorn” in December of 2016. The victims were 62 people.

See also: “feared and Hated”: as Altai women have overcome the alcoholism

