Scientists: transport exacerbates seasonal allergies

Scientists: transport exacerbates seasonal allergies

Along roads with heavy traffic plants-allergens spread with record speed.


Ambrosia is a very dangerous weed-allergen that in the early 21st century is actively spread in the South-West of Russia. Its pollen causes hay fever.

In a recent study, scientists were able to establish that the rapid spread of the weed contributes to vehicular traffic. Their findings will be published in the journal of Applied Ecology.

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Publication from Sean James (@seanjamesdesigns) Aug 27, 2018 12:19 PDT

During the download an error has occurred.Chaotic air flow resulting from movement of cars and trucks, disperse the seeds of ragweed in tens of meters, whereas in natural conditions the seeds fall off the plants high on the meter.

The researchers conducted a field study with marked ultraviolet radiation seeds. They were scattered along the road and returned 48 hours later with UV lamps. During this time, the seeds of ambrosia has moved a significant distance. Along the highways with the heavy traffic of seeds picked up by the air currents, flew at 40-70 meters.

Within two years, scientists have mapped these areas of distribution. As it turned out, along busy roads and subsequent harvest of ambrosia was two times higher than along roads with low traffic.

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Publication of Weedalogue (@weedalogue) 14 Nov 2018 at 5:14 PST

During the download an error has occurred.

This is the first scientific study that traces the connections between the spread of dangerous plants and car traffic. It shows that allergens can be greatly improved, if the services will be in time to get rid of roadside weeds.

See also:

  • The German newspaper talked about “Bolshevichka disaster” in Russia
  • Where growing tomato with orange spines (photo)
  • Foreign beetles were more likely to invade Russia

