Photographer shot unique white deer in Norway (photo)

Photographer shot unique white deer in Norway (photo)

Almost a mythical creature.


24-year-old photographer Mads Nordsven from Oslo during a hike with friends in the nearby neighborhood and met an amazing animal.

While a young man trying to find beautiful landscapes for shooting, came to meet with him a white fawn, which because of its color was almost invisible among the snow.

It turned out that the kid was there with his mother, but curiosity overcame the fear, and the deer came very close to the photographer who managed to make some very beautiful and rare frame. Twist a little there, little left the Ruins and returned to the mother.

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Publication Nordsveen from Mads (@mads) Dec 3, 2018 at 5:14 PST

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From reindeer color mostly spotty or coffee-brown, but very rare completely white specimens. This color is the result of a genetic mutation, which removes the pigment from the hair, however, animals are not albinos, as their horns and eyes retain their color.

See also:

  • Very vulnerable in the Arctic get along with people and polar bears
  • Journalists a few days, watched death of a penguin broke down and intervened

