“A Mat becomes a cult”: what is not shared Joseph Prigogine and Sergei Shnurov

“A Mat becomes a cult”: what is not shared Joseph Prigogine and Sergei Shnurov

MOSCOW, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti, Anna Mikhailova. In social networks the second day continues the exchange of barbs between the leader of the group “Leningrad” Sergey Shnurov and producer Joseph Prigozhin. Representatives of the Russian show business had different opinions about the use of profanity at concerts.


The conflict began after Joseph Prigozhin in an interview with radio station “Moscow speaking” was criticized by fans of “Leningrad”, calling them “suckers” because they sing songs that contain math. Sergey Shnurov has stood up for the fans in the traditional form — a poem published in instagram.

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Not to pass the last лòхом, people I continue not to measure. Time in Russian to sing bad, I’m listening to now Valeria. The place is spotless, it’s like a dungeon, And doubtless the glory of God. I W as in my life – mate on the Mat, even with my drunken mug. Let it be stricken multiple. I confess, it was not right that he sang as heard. Take all the words back to me. Let the reeds here never wavers.

Publication from Shnurov Sergey (@shnurovs) Dec 2, 2018 at 6:21 PST

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Musician ironic “apologized” in front of the opponent and promised to continue to listen to the song of the wife of Joseph Prigogine — singer Valeria, where “all clean, as in a cell”. The producer decided to continue the poetic battle and posted in his Instagram a poetic response, where he called his “good guy” and praised for knowledge of Russian poetry. Thus Prigogine rebuked musician in the pursuit of fashion on the Mat.

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Poems I can’t write And, like you, to rhyme do not put “b…” But the verbal battle will be able to maintain Used what I think, right to quit you’re a Good guy, Serge! I know Tsvetaeva and Blok. But the Mat is to trade now fashion how much is opium for the people? ? ♀ app ? @shnurovs

Publication of iosif prigozhin (@prigozhin_iosif) 2 Dec 2018 10:38 PST

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Return verse was not long in coming. In the new poetic post Cords retorted that can afford to be unfashionable.

“To be free yet afford. / And put their names on things, / it the verb, the gerund is coming. / And the songs that they’re not opiates”.

In conclusion, the Cords sharply responded about the idea of Prigogine to increase the penalties for the Mat at concerts, calling an impossible task to achieve, “matter only to the oligarchs.” This attack musician producer chose to comment on a short video, where he used a scene from the Soviet film “12 chairs” and a fragment of his performance.

In an interview with RIA Novosti Joseph Prigogine explained his position about the increase of penalties for use of profanity on the performances:

“There is a law, and if it is not met, it must either cancel or reinforce, there is no other option.

Serezha on a wave of hype gives people what they like. Well done. But then don’t be offended by the fact that the Mat becomes a symbol of the Russian language.

When the Cords it does in solo concerts is fine, but when a mate in his songs “zapikivayut” on television, this is too much. Or big festivals, where 15 artists stated that they came to listen to women, children,” said the producer.

According to the producer, encouraging the Mat on the stage, society forgets the children.

“Then do not expect from children nothing good in the future. Because freedom is not permissiveness. There are people with whom I have serious disagreements about this, and we argue all the time. Well, tomorrow, let’s have a referendum, and if we on TV, so to speak. Must be at least a little bit of respect. What we make the language?”.

