The fashion for names

The fashion for names

Why in Russia so many WAN, what the Soviet calendar and the original modern parents. Talk about the fashion in names.

UpstairsAgathopus or gelasii?

Previously with the children’s names, looked at the calendar, found the day — choose. Here 5 Jan, boys. It offers a luxury collection of: Basil, Paul, Macarius, Ivan, Teoctist, Niphon, theodolus, Saturnin, Evpor, gelasii, Eunician, Pompey, Agathopous, Vasile and Everest — canonized saints, remembrance day which is celebrated on the 5th.

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Not suitable Agathopus and Galasi? You can do Ivan and Vasily. The first one almost always comes to the rescue — he’s in the Church calendar is mentioned 79 times. So no wonder in the nineteenth century, out of 1,000 boys of about 245 became WAN. But Victor, Valentin, he was a rarity — the so-called is basically the monks (women “monastic” names were Zoe and Margaret). All in all, there were about 900 men’s names.

With girls the situation was more complicated. Their names in the Church calendar offered only 250. So on the day had an average of one to three, and the kind of number altogether dropped pass. Most often in the calendar met Anna (18 times) and Maria (12).

In short, the choice was but limited. To name the baby Bella or Romuald, in the Church calendar should appear corresponding a Saint, and canonized recently preferred to call by the same calendar. A full circle.

Svetlana takes revenge

Since the beginning of the XIX century, when he published the ballad of Vasily Zhukovsky Svetlana, the name is rapidly gaining popularity. But to baptize a child was offered close in meaning, but completely different in sound with Photinia is that in the calendar were (from Greek φῶς “light”).

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The journal “Church Bulletin” wrote: “in 1900 In St. The Synod has twice received from the petitioners, the petition for permission to name the daughters of the petitioners named Svetlana, but St The Synod did not find grounds for satisfaction of the aforesaid petitions, as the name Svetlana in the Orthodox calendar there.” But it seems that once the Holy Synod did the same except for the commandant of the fortress of Alexander Ellis, the commander of the cruiser “Svetlana”. He was allowed to call her that.

So officially, Svetlana came on the scene after the revolution when the Church was cleared of restrictions. Then she took revenge. The name was kept at the peak of popularity from the late 1930s, and then in the 1950-1970-ies. Especially contributed to this being so in 1926 called the daughter of Stalin, and after him, Bukharin, Molotov and other party leaders. At the end of the 1930-ies per 1,000 baby girls accounted for 22 with the name Svetlana.

“Red” calendar

The revolution turned everything. Including traditions of naming. After the adoption of the 1918 Decree on the separation of Church and state and of school and Church the right of birth registration were transferred to the departments the registry office, whose duties included only the name registration, but not censorship. There was a total vol — sovis even a Crocodile. This has generated unprecedented in the history of Russian anthroponomy. (collectively, the proper names of a person) expansion of the number of personal names. Later researchers call this phenomenon “anthropological explosion.”

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Appeared Antenna, Ideas, Freedom, the Diamonds, the Decemberists and Geniuses. For those who have a fantasy is not enough, the new government decided to help. The writer Lev Uspensky recalled: “At the time, in the twenties and early thirties of our century, there have been several brave attempts to create for the population of our country something like “the Soviet calendar”. For several years with various publishers was released many calendars containing, so to speak, recommendation lists of new names. These lists included a large number of proposals, among them met and very good”. But also among them have been such as electrification, Chemicalization, the Dnieper or Magnitogorsk. On the opening day of the Military medical Academy in St. Petersburg, parents were asked the name of the girl of the Academy. And the day of the English railroad strike was the reason for creating Gildore. The proletarian, the printing industry were asked to glorify Polygraph and Poligraphy, so Bulgakov with his Polygraph Polygraphovich, it turns out, is not a satirist, and a natural realist.

Girl named after Lenin

Of course, to a large extent a catalyst for creative insights served dates relating to the founders of Marxism-Leninism and the leaders of the proletariat: Mass — “Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin”, Veloric, “V. I. Lenin, the liberator of workers and peasants”, Velur — “Lenin loves the Motherland”, the Stator “Stalin triumphs”. Giving the name, parents would put the children a kind of stigma predetermines their path in life. So, one girl called Edil, which means “the girl named after Lenin”.

Honored and other party leaders, and, given the changing times, it was certainly reckless.

For example, how to live Bukharin (accent on the “and”) after the execution of Nikolai Bukharin? Or Intrazone, where in company with Lenin was Trotsky and Zinoviev?

More fortunate boy with the name of air in honor of the later shot of Alexei Ivanovich Rykov — he then explained that mom and dad had in mind just a plant. Better in this sense was neutral Oktyabrina and Noyabrina. By the way, the latter was the passport name of the great actress Nonna Mordyukova.

What turned whist and sheet

Old words took on new meaning: card whist was the “great historic power of labor”, an ordinary sheet turned “Lenin and Stalin”, the tape “Leninist labor army”. New meanings are found in classical and foreign names. It turned out that Gertrude may symbolize the character of the work, and Luigi to designate “Lenin died, but the ideas are alive.” New life also came in handy Elina — “electrification, industrialization”, Elmira — “electrification of the world,” Zarema in “the world revolution”, Renat — “revolution, science and labor”, the sultry Lucia, the abbreviation of the Revolution, and no less sultry self-explanatory of Commoner.

However, I do not shun the happy parents of newborns and foreign names — of course, after the leaders of the Communist movement. The newborn was named in honor of Rosa Luxemburg, Ernst Thalmann, John reed. Among them somehow wormed and Joan of Arc with the composer Ravel (and called the boy — Ravel).

However, for fantasy existed some limitations. In January 1927, “Red newspaper” reported that the NKVD had issued a circular: parents can change a baby’s name only up to three years.Vani returned

At all times there were names, gaining popularity thanks to literature and cinema, as it was with Svetlana. So, after the release in 1936 of the movie Jacob Protazanov “bride” was the fashion at laris. Written in 1940, the novel by Arkady Gaidar “Timur and his team” have put in number of common Turkic name is Timur.

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Generally, in 40 years of enthusiasm for the competition in coming up with the unusual name of died down a bit (may have played a role in the war, stirred up patriotism), and on stage again came the traditional Ivan da Marya. For every thousand boys had a hundred WAN, and every third girl was Mary.

The 1960s was marked by numerous Urumi in honour of Gagarin. The intelligentsia came to the Marina to print allowed prohibited Tsvetaeva.

