On the coast of New Zealand threw the skeleton creepy sea creatures

On the coast of New Zealand threw the skeleton creepy sea creatures

It looks really scary.


A resident of new Zealand Christchurch, Hannah Mary, walking along the local beach with his mother, made a surprising discovery. Among marine debris and algae she found the skeleton of a mysterious creature.

According to the girl, its strange structure, it resembled an alien or a sea monster. Hannah even saw fangs on his wings.

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Photos of the unidentified monster girl posted on Facebook and asked users if they know who is a strange animal. Over the past few days on the find drew the attention of journalists and scientists.

National research Institute of water and atmosphere Malcolm Francis who saw the pictures said that the marine “monster” — just a Stingray Dipturus nasutus.

The greater part of his life he spent at the bottom has a planar skeleton and ribs, like legs, uses for mating.

See also:

  • Discovered the ancient long-necked dinosaurs
  • Fisherman from Murmansk caught an unusual creature (video)
  • Discovered starfish with an extra hand (video)

