The candidate from “United Russia” Andrei Tarasenko will not participate in new elections in Primorye, which will prescribe in three months

The candidate from “United Russia” Andrei Tarasenko will not participate in new elections in Primorye, which will prescribe in three months

The candidate from “United Russia”, the acting Governor of the Primorsky territory Andrei Tarasenko will not participate in new elections of the head region. He stated that on September 19, reports TASS.


Prior to that, the CEC recommended the regional Commission to annul the results of elections of the Governor of Primorye, the second round of which was held on September 16.

The CEC head Ella Pamfilova said that the election was a serious violation: this is stuffing, bribery of voters and the rewriting of protocols.

She recalled that at cancellation of results of voting on the law, new elections in three months.

Rival Tarasenko, Communist Andrey Ishchenko before commented on RTVI recommendation of the CEC. He called it “absurd”. “We have the legislation to abolish the election results must be at least 25% of the ballots as fraudulent and cancelled 25% of the plots. We elected a Governor,” — said Ishchenko.

Tarasenko agreed with the proposal of the CEC about the cancellation of the election results, reports TASS. “It is also one of my main proposals,” — said United Russia.

I just said today both sides are guilty and need to get out of this situation. Because blaming each other — this is not a job.Andrew Tarasenkova from the “United Russia”, the acting Governor of Primorsky Krai

The second round of elections in Primorye was held on September 16. Until the last moment they were in the lead the candidate from the Communist party, but after counting 99% of the votes ahead suddenly burst United Russia. After that, Ishchenko said that the election results were rigged and announced an indefinite hunger strike. 17 September at the Central square of Vladivostok in support of the Communist left several hundred people. The CEC said it will announce the election results only after consideration of all complaints.

However, on September 18, the regional electoral Commission awarded the election victory Tarasenko.

