Scientists reported on the critical warming in the Arctic

Scientists reported on the critical warming in the Arctic

The average annual temperature in the Arctic zone of Russia was higher than the rate for 3,23 °C at the end of last year, reported the Ministry of natural resources. This is a record warming in the XXI century, which can lead to serious consequences.


According to the draft report of the Ministry, the warming can be considered critical, as it will continue and will lead to the melting of glaciers in the Arctic ocean.

The maximum isolation from the temperature standards was recorded in the Eastern sector of the Russian Arctic (the territory of Yakutia and Chukotka): there, the average temperature exceeded the norm by 4.07 °C.

Experts note that a further melting of the permafrost may result in changes in wind speed, which is especially dangerous for drilling rigs offshore in the Arctic. In addition, it will lead to flooding of the regions on the coast of the ocean.

