95-year-old diver has broken his own record
He’s not going to stop there.
A world war II veteran Raymond Wooley broke his own record as the oldest diver in the world.
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28 Aug Wooley turned 95. A few days after my birthday, the British went to explore the wreck in Cyprus. He sank to 44 minutes at a depth 40,6 meters. He broke his previous record of dive for 41 minutes at the depth of the 38.1 meters in ‘ 94.
“We did it… I feel fine,” assured the veteran. Man hopes to beat the current record next year.
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Wooley with other divers explored the Swedish cargo ferry Zenobia, which sank in the coastal waters of Larnaca on 7 June 1980. The ship was carrying 40-ton trucks of Volvo with trailers. The ship dubbed the “Titanic of the Mediterranean”. Now it is a popular place for diving.
See also:
- Underwater life of the monuments of Lenin and Stalin in Kyrgyzstan
- Looks like the Park a Ghost at the bottom of an Austrian lake (photo)