Petro Poroshenko has accused Russia of plans to rig the Ukrainian elections

Petro Poroshenko has accused Russia of plans to rig the Ukrainian elections

Kiev intends to resist Russian interference in the Ukrainian presidential and future parliamentary elections, said President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.


In his words, “leading IT companies record the creation of thousands, tens of thousands of fake accounts with Russian roots”. “Russia is preparing for a powerful new manipulative campaign of fake news (false news. “B”), the undermining of stability”, — said Mr. Poroshenko.

Also, the Ukrainian President accused Russia of meddling in the course of the Dutch referendum (in April 2016) for the ratification of the Association Agreement EU—Ukraine and has accused Russia results of the referendum on “Brakcet”:

The tentacles of Moscow are very hard to penetrate the social networks, keep private media that operate in cyberspace.Peter Presenteraient Ukraine

To combat this, the influence of Petro Poroshenko promises to bring the French, American and German experts to develop a “mechanism to prevent fraud”.

According to the President of Ukraine, “the Kremlin is skillfully covers his Subversion of democratic values, democratic principles, and now we need to find ways to cooperate with other States and to coordinate efforts to develop a reliable mechanism to prevent outside interference in the electoral process and ensuring free will of our citizens.”

We will remind, the theme of Petro Poroshenko discussed with the US presidential Advisor on national security, John Bolton, during his visit to Kiev on independence Day, August 24. In the end, Mr. Bolton said that Washington would work with Kiev to prevent interference in elections of the Ukrainian President in 2019. “President Poroshenko and I agreed that we will consider steps that can make Ukraine and the United States regarding intervention in elections. We can do this with the help of law enforcement agencies and other mechanisms,” said Mr Bolton.

The source “b” in the Ukrainian Parliament says that the current Ukrainian elections will involve new technology fraud. “No “roundabouts” (razvozov of voters with absentee ballots at the polling stations.— “B”) on the ground, everything should be done directly in the CEC, he said.— Russia, of course, will play for loyal candidates, but the Ukrainian administrative resources will resist it”.

