Zhirinovsky has found an original way to stop the brain drain

Zhirinovsky has found an original way to stop the brain drain

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that the study of foreign languages in schools should be paid not to sponsor the brain drain from Russia. He reported about it on the page in Facebook.

The politician said that in Western countries, there is an excellent system poaching experts from other countries.

“Brilliant scientists, engineers, programmers, or doctors trained in countries with good education system. Such as Russia or India. Then prepared, in which the state invested for 15 years, because that’s a great salary in the United States or Europe”, — said Zhirinovsky.

According to him, it is to facilitate “stealing minds” around the world have imposed compulsory study of foreign languages in schools.

As explained by the leader of the liberal democratic party, most educated people are not from English-speaking countries for twenty years mastering this language and ready to emigrate to Western countries. Thus, America and Europe remain in the black, while Russia and Asian countries bear the damages.

“How to deal with this system? All languages, except for Russian, should cease to be compulsory. Small languages of the local peoples and foreign languages should not only be voluntary but also paid. But first and foremost the status of the public to the study of language away from English. Why bring up immigrants for the money?” — proposed a solution to the problem of the politician.

In mid-August, Zhirinovsky said about the registration of a new decryption of the liberal democratic party. The third party’s name will sound like the Legendary sovereign party of Russia. Currently, the transcript indicates the liberal democratic party of Russia.

