Check exam plan to completely trust the computer

Check exam plan to completely trust the computer

Now check answers of more than 40 thousand experts.

By 2030, the test works within the framework of the unified state examination (use) will be fully instruct the computer expect developers exam materials. By this time, the development of artificial intelligence should reach the level that enables to evaluate the answers of students. Federal Institute of pedagogical measurements (FIPI) is already working in this direction, described in the organization and confirmed in the Service. According to experts, to create such a system is possible. It will eliminate the subjective factor in the evaluation of works, but it can be costly and impede the development of creative potential of children.

Detailed answers to the open questions of the exam in 2030 will start to scan the computer, calculated at the FIPI (the main developer exam materials). Now doing this 40 thousand experts, and the machinery trust only the verification test.

— These ideas are already in the works and will be developed in the future. We, of course, adhere to an evolutionary approach. We understand that the exam needs to change, and most importantly, what to change it needs in the overall context of the development of the system. But all changes should occur in stages, — told “Izvestia” Director of FIPI Oxana Reshetnikova.

In Rosobrnadzor “news” confirmed that they expect the transition to an automated check of the entire exam by the year 2030. The service noted that the assessment system exam established and proved its effectiveness. But this does not mean that it should cease to develop.

