Trump urged to prosecute the U.S. justice Department, the FBI and the “Obama gang”

Trump urged to prosecute the U.S. justice Department, the FBI and the “Obama gang”

Moscow. July 23. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump on Monday said that the Ministry of justice, the FBI and the team of ex-US President Barack Obama should be held responsible for his involvement in the so-called “dossier trump”.

“Now, we find out that that file was indeed fake, paid (the former candidate for presidents of the United States — if) dishonest Hillary Clinton and the National Democratic Committee with the specific purpose of transfer of organs of justice, which began a controversial and questionable “witch hunt” by the (spectacular — if) Robert Mueller,” wrote trump on Twitter.

The U.S. justice Department, the FBI and the Obama gang should be held accountable… They avoided talking about what was behind that team Clinton. They confuse justice, to obtain a pretext for the surveillance team trump. The surveillance was not aimed at the (former adviser to the President — if) Carter page, and on the trump.Donald Trepresent USA

According to the President, “dossier created in order to cover up violations committed by the FBI and the US justice Department to mislead justice and to make legal possibility to act against the command of the trump.”

Trump said that document was used by supporters of Clinton, and called it “deception and lies”.

Research company, Fusion GPS, together with a former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele was previously the so-called dossier on trump. The materials were published in early 2017 on the website Buzzfeed. In October, the American newspaper The Washington Post published an article which, citing sources reported that part of the inquiry against trump, sponsored by the national Committee of the Democratic party and campaign headquarters Clinton.

Trump repeatedly called dossier a fake and denied ties with Russia in the elections of 2016. Also, the President of the United States often criticizes the work of the FBI and the entire Department.

