Billions on the bones

Billions on the bones

As in Yakutia are going to legally make money on the mammoth.

About one billion rubles earn smugglers on the sale of mammoth remains found in Yakutia. On the Arctic territories, according to estimates of officials, it is possible to find about 500 thousand tons of bones of ancient animals. While their production is controlled poorly: at least a quarter of turnover accounted for by the shadow market. Because of this, loses and budget, and the inhabitants of the North, and scientists. How valuable finds illegal leaving abroad and how much is the mammoth, read the material portal

Illegals rushing

To enshrine in law rules for the collection of mammoth remains necessary in the near future, said on 26 June, the head of the Duma Committee on natural resources, property and land relations Nikolay Nikolaev. A draft bill was developed in Yakutia, where more than 80% of the so-called mammoth fauna. Now studying the document to the Ministry of natural resources and Rosnedra.

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Parliamentarians of the far Eastern Republic propose to regulate the production of mammoth remains are not under the law “On subsoil”, as is happening now, and to create a separate document — “On the rational use of resources of the mammoth fauna — a special natural resource of Russia”. “I agree with my colleagues that the need to provide areas of commercial collection of fossil ivory,” said the Chairman of profile Committee of the state Duma.

He added that it is necessary to centralise the entire sales and to build expertise obtained remains below the market left of value to science exhibits. Nikolaev hurry with the adoption of the bill, the discussion of which stretches at least a dozen years: “They (the black diggers. — Approx. are on the alert, extract and take out, and we are discussing”.

A year in Yakutia produces about 100 tonnes of mammoth ivory. About 30%, according to the authorities of the region, falls on the shadow market. According to other estimates, the share of smuggling than 50%. And business is quite profitable: 50 kg mammoth Tusk on the official market is worth about $15 thousand on the black market, its price could double.

The former head of Yakutia Egor Borisov emphasized that this area is becoming more crime.

Mammoth fauna was sufficiently quoted by the industry, because in world practice there is a moratorium on the extraction of ivory.Egor Borisovets-the head of Yakutia

We are talking about a partial ban on the ivory trade due to the reduction of elephant populations in Asia and Africa, which the UN sent in 2002.

The Yakut Parliament has drawn attention to another problem. When doubling the issuance of licenses for commercial collection of mammoth tusks no taxes this activities regional budget do not.

Tusk under Kurtkaya estimates of the Yakut scientists, every year, illegal extraction of bones of ancient animals brings dealers more than 1 billion rubles.

Over the past decade seekers have destroyed seven of the cemeteries with the remains of ancient animals. “The scale of vandalism shown in relation to the nature of the Arctic and its unique monuments — paleontological, geological, archaeological parties illegal Amateur production of tusks of mammoths, huge,” — said in an interview with TASS archaeologist, head of the Yano-Indigirka expedition of the Institute of history of material culture of RAS Vladimir Pitulko.

In February the Yakut firm on forged documents tried to take out Russia (presumably in China, where it is going most of remains) more than 4.5 tonnes of mammoth tusks — it’s a record party, detained by the border guard of the FSB in Primorsky Krai. In the containers was more than 650 fragments of the remains, including 14 instances of the value level of a Museum exhibit. The total amount of smuggled goods valued at more than 340 million rubles.

