One of the biggest icebergs on the planet can melt

One of the biggest icebergs on the planet can melt

MOSCOW, 11 Jun — RIA Novosti. NASA scientists announced that the largest iceberg that has ever detached from the ice shelf of Antarctica, will soon disappear, writes Live Science.

A huge block of ice, which area was more of Jamaica, broke away from the ice shelf in 2000. The first iceberg floated part of the way around Antarctica, and then in 2016, went to the southern waters of the Atlantic. The iceberg, named B-15, crossed over 6,600 miles (10 000 kilometers) and is now in dangerous proximity to the equator.

Majestic block of ice gradually broke up into many small pieces, most of which has melted. Today it has only four fairly large pieces.

According to NASA, the icebergs are melting fast, when they are near the equator. In the center of one of the parts of the iceberg is already visible a large fissure.

