The Russians will have to work six days in a row

The Russians will have to work six days in a row

Moscow. June 4. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Fes reminded that the coming working week in Russia lasts for six days, from Monday to Saturday inclusive, and then the Russians have three days off in a row (10-12 June) in connection with celebrating of Day of Russia.

“The onset of the working week be six days — from Monday to Saturday 9 June inclusive. Day off with the upcoming Saturday was postponed to next Monday, June 11. Thus, the Russians in connection with the celebration of the Russia Day (12 June), which this year falls on Tuesday, will get three days off in a row from the upcoming Sunday, June 10, until next Tuesday inclusive,” — said to “Interfax” the representative office.

After a long week and subsequent three-day weekend, the Russians will work only three days: from Wednesday, June 13, through Friday, June 15, said the representative of the Fes.

Thus, the following working week in duration will be half shorter than the onset of a long work week.

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