Scientists create a vaccine against allergies to cats
Scientists First Moscow state medical University named after Sechenov and the Vienna medical University to develop a genetically engineered vaccine against allergies to cats.
“The vaccine we used proteins. Not taken from the females and artificially created. We have reduced their allergic reactivity, patients to be able to better tolerate therapy”, — told “Izvestia” Director of the Institute of pathophysiology and Allergy of medical University of Vienna Rudolf Valenta.
All science knows eight “cat” allergens. It is envisaged that development, which was called the Cats Project, will be effective in respect of each of them.
“All eight recombinant allergens have already been created. Now we will study the effect of various combinations in the vaccine,” — said the head of the Department of clinical immunology and Allergology, Institute of molecular medicine, First Moscow state medical University Alexander Karaulov.
The most optimistic projections, from the creation of the drug before its release to the market will pass not less than five years.