Transformation of marriage. How will change the forms of living together

Transformation of marriage. How will change the forms of living together

The heyday of office culture with its career elevators, a new type of workaholic and development of the masses of new services that reduce the dependence on routine home treatments, increased individual capabilities and maneuverability of the urban population. Arose a class of men who considered marriage something unnecessary or deferred for the period of late childbearing, or counting and the birth of a child insufficient basis to formalize the relationship.

To say about the atomization of society, the disintegration of traditional ties, the speed of change. In a number of futuristic predictions of a family seems doomed institution, a relic of the former structures, based on the lack of resources. It is assumed that for people who have no need of cooperating efforts for survival, the need in the family dies out, it even interferes with the comfort of your private existence. Opponents argue: with high speed of social change person needs more or less stable environment, which acts as a counterweight to such dynamics, not allowing the consciousness to go completely in video format. In other words, in need of shelter.

As psychologists say, at the biological level, the current situation may be described as a conflict of dopamine (the hormone responsible for pleasure) and oxytocin that affect the sense of attachment and serenity beside your partner.

Since the production of oxytocin no progress not yet canceled, people will be attracted to each other and form a stable connection — according to the adherents of family values.

According to them, the family can disappear only after major changes at the biological level, for example, due to a sharp increase in life expectancy.

But preserving the family in its nominal value does not exclude its essential transformation. What has been the trend here? Let’s start with the basic. In the family, as in society as a whole, is a replacement of a small number of strong interactions a large number of weak. The strong interaction are different in that they are superpersonal cultural layers associated with tradition and rooted in the experience of generations of stereotypes. The set of models here are very limited due to this limitation they can describe and record all key lines of conduct. Briefly it comes down to the formula: “everything is live” or in the negative form, “do you not like people”. As a key authority are the people coming from the impersonal environment requirement. Weak interactions are based on personal preferences, picks up from the stream, they are variable and depend on personal taste, slipping from the typical generalizations from the “people”.

Key family conflicts of recent decades, which led to a substantial increase in divorces related to the fact that there was a powerful cultural faults and, as a result, stereotypes of different cultures are layered on top of each other.

Society has become actively adopt new matrix behavior, doing it in the context of new economic environment, the growth of personal mobility.

On the one hand, maintained the pressure of the traditional cultural factors, the agents of which were the older generation. On the other, there was a rapid introduction of new stereotypes, the resolution of traditional forms.

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The current mix was very unstable: people picked one or the other pattern and life style, has declared the rights and demanded obligations, and copied some glossy recipes, creating a personal mythology (“if not for you, I have been flying on a private jet”). The special connotation acquired classic family the expression is “you are my whole life ruined (a)”. More already, meaning no damage of life itself, and the closure of more favorable scenarios, the missed opportunity. All this created an excessive fragility of the relationship, and the personal psyche. Increased hysteroid, nervousness, a tendency to depression. Frustrirovannosti consciousness fought about unachievable fantasy scenarios, laying the blame for this on partner. Especially these negative aspects have increased the need for public demonstration of happiness as the criterion of success, for example, in social networks.

By the way, notice how much harder they began to develop a relationship of “parents and children” within the same living space. Maintaining the appearance of decency, people of different generations are increasingly began to experience severe friction, it becomes increasingly difficult to be in the same space.

The generational gap is felt much stronger, because not just change some values, and the whole architecture of consciousness: falling visibility (and like phenomena), of the sample.

Of course, a serious role played by the speed of social change through which families began to emerge of the value gaps. From about the same position, for a short period of time the family members could be inside of fundamentally different values, to focus on a fundamentally different life paths. The family became less closed, protected from external influences, each member has brought from the outside world next upgrade relations.

Even if you are not able to implement a more “beautiful” script, its own way, the experience of others or media personalities who might seem more successful, lead to internal injury. Life has become too stagy, she wanted it to play. People of our time — far more an actor than he himself realizes this.

Another underlying factor is the coincidence of flowering of office culture with its career elevators, a new type of workaholic and development of the masses of new services that reduce the dependence on routine home treatments. This phenomenon of increased individual capabilities and maneuverability of the urban population. Financially independent of the office layer to have the whole infrastructure in order to make an independent life comfortable without participation of a partner.

Arose a class of men who considered marriage something unnecessary or deferred for the period of late childbearing, or counting and the birth of a child insufficient basis to formalize the relationship.

Of course, all these features of time did not lead to a total crisis of marriage. People got married, got married, had children. But they vzryhlite ground for modification of this phenomenon, especially in large cities. The period of entering into a new reality one way or another completes, and with it — the internal conflict of cultures. The tradition of blown, the dust settled. Youth are not traumatized by the peculiarities of the transition period. The model of the family, which included planned today, differs from the conservative, and the transition that we have seen lately. So, what will happen to marriage in the future?

Its value is split. On the one hand, for many people it will carry out the function of symbolization relations. When the relationship reaches a certain stage, they may require some ritual, symbolic fixation. Roughly speaking, “he loves me so much that even ready to get married.” That’s “even” stands here as a gesture or demonstration. The use of this ritual is typical for a certain type of consciousness is not universal. But it will always be, because people tend to create around himself a symbolic layer of life.

The second meaning is that marriage will become a platform on which individual it is convenient to develop a number of interactions in the specific situation. There is a process which I would call “the technologization of marriage.” Under this concept you need to understand the trend of modern culture on the lifting up of the institution of marriage as a tool for solving current life problems, circumstances “here and now”, with the possibility of his release, when circumstances have changed. That is, the deprivation of marriage essential importance, using only the forms of technology interaction is a manifestation of the ideology of the temporality of life.

