Linguists found in Malaysia unknown language

Linguists found in Malaysia unknown language

Linguists from Lund University spoke about the opening of the new JEDEC language spoken by around 280 people living in the North of the Malay Peninsula. About it February 7, announced the publication of Science News.

JEDEC included in blissey (Malacca) a group of languages spoken in Malaysia and in southern Thailand. This language group, in turn, refers to the austroasiatic languages, spoken in South-East Asia. In this language family, in particular, includes Vietnamese and Khmer languages.

Researchers Joanna Yager and Niklas Burenhult have discovered a new language during the research bliskich languages. It was conducted in several villages in the North of the Malay Peninsula. Scientists discovered that the villagers Sungai RUAL speak the dialect that differs greatly from Gehi language spoken in neighboring villages.

