Scientists have shown the movement of thoughts in the human brain

Scientists have shown the movement of thoughts in the human brain

American scientists have found, where and how is the idea in the human brain and what motivates it to action to run a specific command.

A video that explains the research of experts from the University of Berkeley, published in the scientific portal ScienceAlert.

According to scientists, the most important part of the brain is the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible not only for shaping the thoughts, but also for information processing. Depending on the complexity of the task, the number of involved areas may increase.

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Reaction to certain tasks that had to perform the subjects, monitored with the help of tiny electrodes attached to the head.

The video is shown as occurring in one area of the brain electrical activity that occur, for example, when the touch is transmitted to the prefrontal cortex where information is processed, and then supplied to the areas which are responsible for generating the action.

