The doctor left due to a video with belly dancing at corporate

The doctor left due to a video with belly dancing at corporate

Head of the Department in Krasnoyarsk hospital ambulance (emergency hospital) has resigned after the publication of the video with a new year corporate party, which performed a belly dance. This was reported RIA Novosti the representative of the institution Andrei Lyubchenko.

“Other members of the corporate written explanations. They will get a reprimand,” he said. The hospital staff, he said, violated the prohibition of the doctor to celebrate the New year in the workplace.

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The video was published edition of “TVK Krasnojarsk” 12 Jan. The video was shot by one of the witnesses. Meal with a strong alcohol and snacks was organized by the staff of the functional diagnostics Department of the emergency hospital headed by head of the Department and head nurse.

Earlier in January, Deputy chief physician and head of Department of the regional clinical cardiology clinic in Ryazan was fired for celebrating the New year in the workplace. The occasion was the publication of the network of video feast, taken by the patient.

