Scientists have documented the decline of the average IQ of the inhabitants of the Nordic countries

Scientists have documented the decline of the average IQ of the inhabitants of the Nordic countries

Researchers believe that the reason could be the reduction of the load requirements for pupils in schools.

OSLO, 30 Dec. /Offset. TASS Yuri Mikhailenko/. Average intelligence of the inhabitants of the Nordic countries is slowly but steadily decreasing since the mid 90-ies of the last century. As reported by the Norwegian Telegraph Bureau, to such conclusion came the famous new Zealand scientist James Flynn, for decades engaged in the study of dynamics of intellectual development of the population of different regions of the world.

The new article of Flynn’s published by the authoritative scientific journal Intelligence, indicated that in the last 20 years the average intelligence quotient (IQ) among Norwegians, Danes and Finns fell by 0.23 points per year. Statistics of the last years for Sweden are incomplete, but the scientist believes that there has been a similar picture.

Three decades ago, Flynn found that the average IQ in most countries in the world as a whole have grown steadily from the 30-ies of XX century, this phenomenon has even been named after the researcher. Now in some countries, for example in the US, the growth still continues, in others (UK, Netherlands, Germany, Estonia) is not visible any significant dynamics, but in the North of Europe now consistently bucking the trend.

