The promised land
How Kostroma province made happy people and dogs and what does a nun, orphans and Australia.
One day a nun with a PhD diploma and the priest (former physicist) created in the Russian province kennel with a husky and a Malamute. And then organized there the international race on dogsleds. In this story, there are orphans, Australia, American and a girl from Sukhumi. North Hope for more than a decade. And different people (and dogs) find happiness here.
“Dogs, with whom we must negotiate”
About how lives North Hope today, and about a couple from Moscow who exchanged the capital to life in the Outback with Malamute and husky.
“Husky is such Gopnik, says Olga: “what Have you got? And if you find?” They are active guys. If to leave them alone, they’ll find something to do: a tunnel can be arranged, the door handle eats through the fence will jump”. Malamutes — other: power, majestic. They do not jump, but I can sulk like children. “Something wrong done to him — he will nanoxide you to come will not be, — says Oleg. For example, to other dogs you come, and to him there. And now you’re finally come in the cage, and he turns away from you: “Leave me alone, I’m proud you came to me three days did not come, go to your husky”. Then walk him he’ll get over it”.
Olga and Oleg — couple from Moscow. Oleg first worked in sales, Olya — PR. Now they care about the pack of 40 dogs and two guest houses. And in February, will organize an international race on dogsleds. For nursery North hope this race will be the twelfth. For guys first: they are less than a year ago traded the capital for life in Kostroma the Outback in the woods and offroad.
When Oleg came here for a visit with a children’s organization. And then “something Peredelkino,” and he began to go on a dog race. “Last year here was looking for someone, and I just quit my previous work. And decided to try it, he says. — Drove here, not knowing what will remain here for a long time, thought we could stay for two months while looking for a new place.” Six months, the couple saw a glimpse of Olga with the cat Tashkent lived in Moscow, Oleg “perekantovatsya” here. Then it became clear that it was permanent. And she went to her husband permanently.
I have all the relatives said: “Well, where are you! Seriously, what is it?” First, after Moscow’s unusually quiet, boring, sparsely populated. And now… Me before it was cool in the subway: there is WI-FI, put the ass, drive two hours — they’re yours. And here come — ooh, subway stinks, is boring, a lot of people! In Moscow if you’re someone smiled — a rarity. And here you are in a local shop come to greet you all. Here everything for everyone.Olga
Malamutes and husky Northern sled dogs, which once brought the Chukchi and the Eskimos. They can fight among themselves but with people is very good-natured: aggressive dogs at the time were just shot, and the “artificial selection” formed the breed. They love the cold, so in nurseries, even in winter live in open enclosures, and summer residents like apartments balconies. In the city to keep them is not advised: they are very energetic, and not every owner will be able to walk with them as much as they need. But people rarely listen to this: too these dogs are beautiful, similar to home wolves.
They say that huskies and Malamutes are obedient animals that are great companions. Actually these kind of dogs are very independent nature. They love to run in harness, but if they have a bad mood, you can refuse. Olga and Oleg never be forced, otherwise it will be worse. “Husky dogs that need to agree. Otherwise they will not work, — says Olga. — Will sniff the snow, to walk in circles”. Like all other people.
We have a Malamute Juan. When the harnessed dogs, she shouts loudly: “Ahhh, put me to work!” As soon as I put it in the cart, she immediately remembers that she was born for this: she is too beautiful, too cool, why is it necessary?Olga
“For any of them tear fall”
Oleg chopping meat and goes to feed the dogs. It looks scary bright and the wolves howling and rushing around in cages. However, to us they do not pay attention: gaze at the bucket of meat.
Oleg is a short young man with soft eyes and quiet voice. It is easy to imagine somewhere in the library or in the Conservatory. And it’s hard to believe that he was subject to forty even the most friendly dogs. But during dinner nothing happened: Malamute Storm robs his neighbor Barney a piece of meat. Second — and Oleg is in a cage, passing over through the bars. And here at once to believe that he actually ever served in the airborne forces.
Dogs, of course, take away each other’s food from hunger. They have enough other reasons — harm, the desire to show off before the guests to prove their “toughness”. Or, as briefly formulates Olga, “the Storm just got tough”. It would be easier to give Barney another piece, but you can’t do that: if you allow the dog to take food from a friend once, he will understand that it is possible. So Oleg restores justice: returns Barney his dinner and begins to “disassembly” with the Storm.
It looks like a scene from an action movie: Oleg puts the dog on my back and firmly holding her. The animal wasn’t hurt. It is generally not to punish him, but to demonstrate who is the boss here. Oleg releases a Storm as soon as he ceases to resist. “And he growled at you?” — we ask. “Even if he tried to roar” — smiles Oleg.
The dog is looking for a leader in any pack — so she perceives and ordinary family and the company of a dozen relatives. And if you do not teach her to listen to the owner, the owner will have to obey her. The leader can be only one — even if the dog gets a couple, he will always choose someone one. Here is Oleg: listen to him 100%, Olya — by 80 percent. Sometimes, if the dogs start to misbehave, she threatens: “I’m Oleg complain!” And it works.
Guys love every dog, but do not consider any one: roughly speaking, they’re more like kindergarten teachers than parents. “For any of them tear fall, — says Oleg. But it’s closer to work than to something personal and deep.”