The main laws that will work in Russia from 1 January 2018

The main laws that will work in Russia from 1 January 2018

How to change the life of Russians in 2018.

Pensions recalculated on a month earlier and above inflation

From January 1, insurance pensions for unemployed pensioners will be increased by 3.7 percent, which is above projected inflation in 2017 — 2.6%. This is the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia.

The value of pension points will be 81,49 rubles (in 2017 — 78,58 of the ruble, by the way, in four years it increased by more than ten rubles). The amount of new “price” coefficient and to multiply the number of accrued pension points. Another factor incomes is fixed payout. Its value after indexation will be almost 4983 ruble. By indexing the average pension in the country will increase to 14 075 rubles, according to the pension Fund.

In addition, pensions will not count from 1 February and 1 January. This bill was passed by the State Duma in three readings on 15 December this year. After the law is signed by the President and official publication, the document will come into force. Indexation for the recipients of virtually all types of pensions — old-age, disability and survivors pensions. And not as in previous years, working pensioners.

To obtain tax incentives will be easier

From 1 January to tax benefits on tax on property of physical persons, transport and land tax will become easier. It is provided by the Federal law of 30 September 2017 N 286-FZ “On amending part two of the Tax code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”. Now citizens have to compulsorily pass to the tax authorities documents confirming the right to benefits. And just to complete the Declaration of benefits with details of the title document.

If necessary, the tax authorities will request the necessary information from agencies and organizations who have information about human right to the benefits. After receiving a request from the tax authority the response must be sent within seven days.

Foundlings will begin to receive a pension

From January 1, children whose both parents are unknown, will receive the social pension. This is stated in the Federal law of July 18, 2017 N 162-FZ “On amendments to the Federal law “On state pensions in the Russian Federation”. It concerns children who have been abandoned by his mother in the hospital, was found on the street, abandoned. Registration information about the parents was absent.

