Rallied emptiness
What kind of change I want and hope for the Russians? Find Out Olga The Owl.
Society wants justice, but do not really understand what it is, and admits that he sees “common goals.” With what sentiments we greet the New year, to understand “Light”.
In Russia, everything is exactly. Intense international agenda, economic problems, election year, paradoxically, only increase the homogeneity of the Russian society. To be able to calm, to be average (even if not by class, but simply “in the middle”) is still popular among the people.
Well, as “easy”? Apparently, the “medium”. The majority of Russians for the last 20 years, according to the observations of the Institute of sociology, assess your life on “troechku”, give her “satisfactory”, regardless of circumstances, of changes and news background. Somehow mark our “Threeness” is difficult: first, they saw a safety cushion for the country, then the growth of the new middle class, then the “Putin majority”, is now believed that such definition is superficial, and the “Russian nation” that we had come from in the past year to design, still have a good imagine. Moreover, the contours of the “social fabric” are smoothed and the nerve of her life almost never observed.
According to our latest research, rooted in the past even such a familiar opposition as the liberal Moscow — the conservative periphery. Muscovites answers to our questions are almost indistinguishable from the responses in the whole country.Michael Herscovici of the Institute of sociology
A similar discovery was comprehended by sociologists who worked on the research for the Carnegie Moscow center: “Advanced layer is much thinner than is commonly assumed, this is indirectly confirmed by the fact that the respondents ‘answers to the question about the priority directions of transformations practically differenziata” — modestly said the authors of a recent survey “We want change”. A thin layer of a narrow circle…
Generally the Russians, which somehow ideologically marked, according to the research, a little: 10-15 percent from the right wing, the same with the left. Who should be considered elite, it is unclear even to bitaogan (and first year). And how to evaluate all these processes (or rather “state”) in society — no one knows. Remembering the anniversary of the revolution, can with equal confidence to speak about the fact that now we are all one, and to warn the society, consisting of undifferentiated “masses” are more vulnerable than complex. Random populist trick might bring him out of balance.
If only worked
Meanwhile, a steady state of public spirit does not prevent the Russians to wait for changes (what “Spark” I wrote in the last issue): in the past year fans development has prevailed over the fans stability.
Is here to consider that our people traditionally perceive sociologists as repeaters of their aspirations up, and the filling or otherwise of their application, trying to provide feedback to government.
They say, look how we support you, but you still fix this and that, and yet here it is, please. Not that our confidence in the future hop! — and fell. Already, by the way, banked: as found by the Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, to improve their financial situation in the near future, I believe only 26 percent of Russians (back in the spring was 31), and almost half of compatriots I’m sure that the presidential elections will not change anything in the country.
If you look at the signals last year, it becomes a two consecutive request from the Russian voter: on the efficiency of public administration and socio-economic guarantees.
— I would say that our respondents meritocratic, that is, people who want to see the power of “worthy people”, regardless of what camp they come from and what values will be separated, — said Vladimir Petukhov, Director of the Center for complex social research of the Institute of sociology.— On a direct question: “Which political system, in your opinion, is best suited to a country like Russia?” — 35 percent of Russians are just “unsure”. 48 percent, of course, vote for the existing presidential Republic, another 12 want a parliamentary Republic…
But it is generally understood: the form of government the people are not very important. People efficiency is important. Want problems to be solved, the income grew, the country evolved. The demand for change, which we caught in our study is not in the sphere of ideology, and in the sphere of rationality.Mr Petukhovskoe of the Center for comprehensive social research of the Institute of sociology
In other words, this demand is weakly politicized. It may even be a protest, can be very impatient, but addressed to officials rather than politicians. I want the system to work better, not differently.
— I caught myself thinking that I don’t know how to evaluate some features of our society, — said Andrei Kolesnikov, head of the program “Russian domestic politics and political institutions” of the Carnegie Moscow center.— For example, the fact that some protest groups, struggling with the Park buildings or dishonest management company, refuse to politicize their protest is a sign of paternalism or of rationality? On the one hand, paternalism: people ultimately hopes that the government will solve his problem. On the other — rationality: it is apolitical, a strategy in our conditions, allows to achieve the lowest price.
Not accidentally, according to “Levada-center”, as models of successful public administration is the Russians (and both liberal and conservative) in the focus groups cite the example of the United Arab Emirates, Qatar or Singapore. It seems that all of these countries found some sort of “technology” the production of well-being. It makes you want to move on our soil, without changing the established order of things.