Russian sailors opened 11 unknown Islands

Russian sailors opened 11 unknown Islands

The oceans are so unexplored that the 11 new Islands — is not the limit of discovery. About the discovery of “land on the horizon,” said the Russian Navy.

Russian sailors spent a lot of expeditions over the last few years and found in different parts of the oceans of the new earth.

According to the chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimir Korolev, Russian sailors have made the trip around the world in the years 2014-2016. In this period the findings were especially lucky.

“The share of modern Maritime navigation and Oceanography has increased two times. In recent years, open 11 Islands, nine caps, six of the Straits and five bays”, — he told “Interfax”.

The assurance of many researchers on the planet Earth there are about 500 000 Islands.

Only 2% of Islands have in its territory permanent residents. Approximately 490 000 Islands remain uninhabited. The main number of Islands located off the coast of nine countries — Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Maldives, Greece, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Canada.

