In found horse meat sausage and antibiotics

In found horse meat sausage and antibiotics Roskoshestvo conducted a study cooked-smoked sausage “Servelat” 28 brands and found in some samples of the violation. This is stated in the press release received by the editors”.ru”. “Sausage is not the name of sausage, and a specific pattern on her slice. The product may be cooked and smoked, and smoked. Because in retail prevails cooked smoked sausage, it was chosen for investigation,” — said in Roccacasale. Experts tested 16 samples made according to GOST, the 12 — technical specifications. In goods five brands — “starodvorskie kolbasy”, “Cherkizovsky”, “Dmitrogorsky”, “Yola agricultural holding”, “Velikoluksky Myasokombinat”, found high concentrations of antibiotics that exceed the norms of technical regulations. A further 10 stamps found residual traces of drugs. In Roskoshestvo note that the minimum content of the drugs is not a violation of the law, however, the presence of traces of them in meat products is

The “happiness index” of the Russians exceeded the pre-crisis values

The “happiness index” of the Russians exceeded the pre-crisis values “Adaptation to new conditions has occurred, and our people are able to feel not because of, but in spite of,” — said the head of VTSIOM. Moscow. 21 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Russians have adapted to the new economic realities and happier than before the crisis, told reporters the General Director of VTSIOM Valery Fedorov. The last two years, the happiness index is growing up and even exceeded the pre-crisis values. We can say that adaptation to new conditions has occurred, and our people are able to feel not because of, but in spite of.Valery Femorofemoral Director of VTSIOM Among the main challenges respondents highlighted the problems of a material nature. “In the first place low wages and low standard of living. In second place low pensions, and problems associated with the pension group, the third — the unemployment”, —

Sylvester Stallone was accused of raping a 30-year-old

Sylvester Stallone was accused of raping a 30-year-old A resident of the United States, whose name is not called, filed a statement to the police on Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone accused of rape thirty years ago. According to applied women, the incident occurred in the early 1990s during a meeting at the office of the actor. The actor himself these accusations were denied. Law enforcement officers of the city of Santa Monica (California) has not yet decided whether to investigate after such a long time, according to “”. We will remind, in November of this year, Sylvester Stallone was accused of raping a 16-year-old girl in Las Vegas in 1986 during the filming of “Struggling”. After that, the actor allegedly threatened her with physical violence if she tells someone about the incident. Stallone has called the accusations “absurd and fictional history.”

Putin called for serious revisions to the state policy in the field of culture

Putin called for serious revisions to the state policy in the field of culture The Russian President believes that cultural workers should be directly involved in the work on the new law and to establish a working group. MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for a serious renewal of the state policy in the field of culture. “There is a General need to seriously update the state humanitarian policy, in which culture is reserved, of course, a key role,” he said at a meeting of the Council for culture and the arts. According to Putin, had previously discussed the question of the revision of the relationship to culture “only as to the industry providing a certain type of services.” “The rejection of such a narrow sectoral approach embodied in the principles of state cultural policy, it is now necessary to transfer this principle into the legislation,

The state Duma adopted a law on tax Amnesty and the exemption of pensioners from land tax

The state Duma adopted a law on tax Amnesty and the exemption of pensioners from land tax By estimations of deputies, it will allow you to write off the debts of citizens and individual entrepreneurs in the amount of approximately 150 billion rubles. MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. The state Duma adopted in the third reading the law about debt relief to individuals and individual entrepreneurs (IE) in taxes and contributions as well as exemption of pensioners from land tax for plots with an area of not more than six acres. Norms laws have been framed as amendments to the second reading of the bill on taxation of controlled foreign organizations. The authors of the document became a group of deputies from “United Russia” headed by Chairman of the Duma Committee on budget and taxes Andrei Makarov. That provides for a “tax Amnesty” “Tax Amnesty” is declared in respect of income

The Kremlin was surprised by the indignation shown Rogozin experience over the dog

The Kremlin was surprised by the indignation shown Rogozin experience over the dog The Kremlin did not see in the demonstration Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, the effectiveness of the technology “liquid breathing” of animal abuse. “The dog is alive. We did not attend. but the dog is alive. Why questions, it is not clear,” he said, answering questions of journalists the press-Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov, reports RBC. In response to the question of one of journalists that experience with a dog reminiscent of water torture, Peskov said that “water is not tortured”. It’s not water, it’s liquid. You know, better to turn to Rogozin. I honestly have not seen. Not we’ve been on the Internet.Dmitry Peskov During the experiment, shown on December 19 to demonstrate the development of the advanced research Foundation (DRF) President of Serbia Alexander Vucic, one of the experimenters put a Dachshund with the

Levin said, who will fall under the purview of the media law-registered as a foreign agent

The Chairman of the state Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications Leonid Levin © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. The bill on regulation of activities of mass media – foreign agents will affect individuals receiving funds from countries which restrict the activities of Russian media. It on Thursday was declared to journalists by the Chairman of profile Duma Committee on information policy, Leonid Levin, who is one of the authors of the initiative.

“Green balls”: from a litter of Chinese pandas will be doing wipes

“Green balls”: from a litter of Chinese pandas will be doing wipes Giant pandas in China attracts countless tourists and serve as a tool of “soft diplomacy”. Now this animal will use as a source of valuable raw materials for the production of tissue paper. Giant pandas in China attracts countless tourists and serve as a tool of “soft diplomacy”. Now this animal will use as a source of valuable raw materials for the production of tissue paper. A national Park of Chengdu in Sichuan province on Monday signed a contract with a pulp and paper companies for the supply of a litter of pandas, which in China is called “green balls”. Firm will process fiber-rich excrement per swipe, according to the Chinese newspaper “Chengdu Shanbao”. News is also widely sold on the Chinese state media. An adult Panda produces on average up to 10 kilograms of feces per day.

In Russia, you may receive a profession “specialist fitness”

In Russia, you may receive a profession “specialist fitness” MOSCOW, 21 Dec — RIA Novosti. The state Duma Committee for physical culture and experts from the Ministry of labor and Ministry of sports will develop the professional standard “specialist fitness”. As noted by RT, the decision was made during the roundtable in the Public chamber. According to the moderator of the discussion, members of the Commission of OP on physical culture and promotion of a healthy lifestyle Elena Istyagina-eliseevoj, the segment of commercial services in the fitness industry is not actually regulated by law. “In law there is no concept in the fitness industry, people who work in this field do not have their own legal definitions. Their profession cannot be specified in the workbook” — said the interlocutor of the channel. In addition, the lack of clearly defined requirements for professionals, conducting training in the gym, reduces the quality