Naked body just given birth mother in diapers blessed social networks

The network has paid attention to the post American blogers The Unmumsy Mum who posted a photo of his naked body after childbirth. The photo was published in Facebook. “If you eat Breakfast, then I apologize for the photo. But I decided that I can not share them,” said the woman, noting that could put ordinary photos in a bikini.

The post with the picture just given birth to The Unmumsy Mum in adult diapers collected more than 37 thousand likes and attracted users, who praised the woman for her honesty and made many compliments in her address. “The real beauty! Nice to see realistic photos, looking at that, many will finally understand how women look after giving birth” — glad one of them.

“You look amazing. I fell in love with this photo! More than eight years working with pregnant and I know that that’s how it looks. Too many girls believe that body immediately takes the usual form, like the stars,” joined in another.

Joined the discussion and experienced women, who, inspired by a photograph of The Unmumsy Mum started to spam in the comments of their birth stories and experiences to share with future mothers. “The first few hours I felt very strange as if my body turned to jelly,” — said Gemma Pixie Hadley.

Not without tips, which persistently gave podpiska The Unmumsy Mum experienced moms. According to them, after giving birth do not just look in the mirror, to panic at the sight of his body and to pay attention to postpartum pictures of Hollywood celebrities, because they’re not real.

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