The total funding for medical expenses will be increased from 3.8 to 4.1 percent of Russia’s GDP. This was stated by President Vladimir Putin at a big press conference for the year, which broadcasts the First channel.
The President also noted the need to preserve the small forms of medical care in small towns and create new feldsher-midwife stations (FAP). “According to the settlements, where less than 100 people — it should be mobile units,” — said Putin.
According to the President, currently, “much has been done from the point of view of increasing the availability of high-tech medical care”. However, he noted that the enlargement and reduction of the medical institutions in the regions was “not always justified”.
Putin stressed that Russia has “a good record in reducing deaths from accidents, cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis.” However, in relation to oncological diseases, these figures are still not up to modern requirements, he said.
The President also added that in connection with increase in life expectancy grows and the number of people with serious diseases. He promised that the government will try to do everything possible to ensure their medications and increase the amount of funds allocated for this purpose.
More important news Telegram-channel “Tape days”. Signed!