Became known the name of providing $2 million to “bribe” Ulyukayev

Became known the name of providing $2 million to “bribe” Ulyukayev

Money to transfer ex-Minister Alexei Ulyukayev as part of the investigative experiment gave Valery Mikhailov, testimonies of FSB General Oleg Feoktistov. They General called Mikhailova with his “friends”.

Money on operational experiment, in which 14 November 2016 the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin gave $2 million to the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, provided the person whose name is Valery Mikhailov. It is stated in the testimony of General of the FSB Oleg Feoktistov given during the preliminary investigation on 5 June 2017. RBC got acquainted with the testimony of General. Two sources familiar with the case, RBC confirmed the authenticity of the document.

In fact, there is no “secret” and separate evidence impossible to keep secret, told RBC lawyer Ulyukayev Larisa Kashtanova. “If it was secret, it would listen to the court, [and not the Zamoskvoretsky court]”, she added. Comment on testimony Feoktistova lawyers ex-the Minister refused.

Feoktistov 27 October 2016 written statement addressed to the head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov that the speaker had solicited a bribe from Sechin in the course of BRICS summit in Goa. During this period, the General also was Vice-President of “Rosneft” for security — he worked at the Corporation from September 2016 to March 2017.

In the case of General speaker is a witness. He was interviewed 15 minutes, Feoktistov named in the case an employee of the Department “P” of the FSB (this office oversees the industry).

In the testimony of General mention of “investor” that has transferred $2 million for the operational experiment, twice. In the first case, he is listed as the unnamed “employee of the company.” Then Feoktistov said that the money in debt gave him “a friend informed Mikhailov Valery Aleksandrovich — the employee of a company, somehow related to the activities of “Rosneft”.

Contact Feoktistov, RBC failed.

The court in the case of the speaker Feoktistov were interviewed behind closed doors. That General called the source of the money, “private investors”, told the court the lawyer Ulyukayev Larisa Kashtanova. “During preliminary investigation we have a constantly changing personal data of the “private investor”, and his place of work — including affiliation to PJSC “Rosneft”, — said the defender, speaking in the debate of the parties on 7 December. The name “investor,” she called.

90 entities

Among affiliated with Rosneft entities Valery Aleksandrovich Mikhaylov no (in the list of affiliated persons must be shareholders of the company, members of the Board of Directors, heads of “child” structures). A source close to the company claims that currently the person with this name is not in the state “Rosneft”.

RBC looked at the data “SPARK-Interfax” and found that the citizens with the name Valery Mikhailov with 90 entities, including operating companies — 41.

Having an indirect connection with “Rosneft” open data four. This is the “Belarusian UPnP I KRS” LTD “Biznestrast and Profitinvest” and OOO “Palace M. M. Romanova”. And the last three companies are linked.

Open data on the work of other companies with Rosneft, RBC found.

“Normal oil”

Member of the Board of Directors of “Belarusian UPnP I KRS” Valery Aleksandrovich Mikhailov for a long time worked in structures “Rosneft”, from the data base “SPARK-Interfax” and materials of purchases of the oil companies.

This was confirmed by RBC his colleague. “The Belarusian UPnP I KRS” — a “daughter” oil services company “RN-Service”. At the end of 2000-ies Mikhailov headed the other “daughter” “RN-Service” — “Strezhevoy PRS” (liquidated in 2009), then Deputy General Director of “RN-Service” coordination of production activities of enterprises, current and capital repair of wells.

At different times Mikhaylov as zamgendirektora “RN-Service” coordinated work of all enterprises of “Rosneft” on capital repairs of wells, was the head of the branch “RN-Service” in Samara, Nizhnevartovsk, led the Belarusian direction of the company, told RBC his former colleague.

According to him, Mikhailov can “chip in for the collective good fishing in the North”, but not in an investigative experiment with a bribe of $2 million in such money available.

With Feoktistov and Sechin Mikhailov did not interact: this is not his circle of friends, adds the interlocutor of RBC. He recalls a former colleague as “a good specialist on repair of wells”, “honest and reliable employee” and “normal good oil”.

Mikhailov resigned from the structures of “Rosneft” in the summer of 2016, said RBC the other close to it.

Money to transfer Ulyukayev he did not give and Feoktistov was not acquainted, according to the source.

Now Mihajlov supervises workover in a private company in the North, saying the two interlocutors RBC, but the company name is not disclosed.

Mikhailov declined to comment.

The Manager of the Palace

INN of people with the name Valeriy A. Mikhailov, which are associated with “Biznestrast”, “Profitinvest and Palace M. M. Romanova,” the same, that is, it is one and the same person, from the data “SPARK-Interfax”.

The company “Biznestrast” the CEO which stands Mikhailov, was associated with GK “Region”. The GC managed the funds established by “Rosneft” of non-state pension Fund “Neftegarant”. Valery Aleksandrovich Mikhailov was Vice-President of GK “Region” from August 2011 to may 2014 and worked on projects in the field of real estate, told RBC representative of the company Tatiana Grave. Relationship to “Biznestrast” GK “Region” has not, she says.

