On the website the world’s largest database about cinema Internet Movie Database (IMDb) appeared abstract to the Russian drama “Crimea”. According to the text, Americans were not very happy with the painting.
“Two inadequate character yelling at each other for no reason because the Director believes that it’s the business of Hollywood,” reads a description of the tape.
Movie rating on IMDb is 1.3 points out of 10. According to the statistical graphics, the rating of the film is set about a thousand people, including more than 850 awarded one star. On the page dedicated to “the Crimea”, also contains a link to an outside review. “Who, in his fevered brain came the “brilliant” idea to remove the topic is still bleeding wounds, to dig there with his dirty big hands, remove the monstrously conformist film “the Crimea”?” — stated in the opinion.
Anatoly nogotochki? (@A_Kapustin)
13 December 2017, 14:48
Readers Vkontakte shared his impressions from watching the film:
“Crimea”, directed by Alexei Pimanovym, was rated the worst Russian movies according to users of “Kinopoisk”. In October, netizens have laughed at the only spectator of the picture.
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