The Ministry of economic development of Russia has developed a plan to reform the system of technical inspection of cars, providing amendments to the Code of administrative offences (Cao), the criminal code (CC) and other laws of the country. On Thursday, 7 December, the newspaper “Kommersant”.
Officials intend to tighten the rules on work of technical inspection operators, that they could not sell a diagnostic card without the carried-out inspection of the vehicle. Will return and the penalty for a failed inspection, which tentatively will be 800 rubles.
Also, the Ministry prepared the plan provides for photo and video recording of the procedure of inspection under the new regulations, and control of the operators will be transferred to the Federal Agency for transport supervision.
For entering false information into an automated information system (AIS) of the Ministry of interior will be subject to criminal punishment. The Ministry said that the amendments have been agreed with all departments, including traffic police, and this month the bill will be submitted to the government.
On the development of the Ministry of economic development of amendments to the law on inspection, mandatory photos and video of the procedure, it became known in August. It was noted that this was done by specially created working group, which included representatives of agencies, traffic police, Rostransnadzor, Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS), the Bank of Russia and the Russian Union of motor insurers (RAMI).
3 June 2016, the Ministry of internal Affairs has proposed to significantly strengthen the monitoring procedure of technical inspection of vehicles, justifying the initiative to the fact that there is a significant increase in the number of road accident with participation of technically faulty vehicles, as well as the number of deaths and injuries in accidents. Mainly relate to faulty braking system, external lights, steering, suspension and tires.