Stuck in Namibia, the Russian sailors have asked for help in returning home

Stuck in Namibia, the Russian sailors have asked for help in returning home

Moscow. April 19. INTERFAX.RU Russian crew members of the Peruvian trawler “Sheriff” stuck in Namibia, asking to help them return home for assistance, they appealed to the International transport workers ‘ Federation (ITF).

“Sailors for the third month not paid a salary, not repatriated to their homeland. While the owners of the ship are some kind of dispute between them, thirteen crew members were held hostage. They are all Russians,” — said Wednesday the Agency “Interfax” the ITF inspector in Vladivostok, Peter Osichansky.

According to the crew, shortages of water, food and fuel on the ship is not, however, a company with which the sailors concluded the contract, does not connect to the problem

“Local Namibian Brandberg firm with which we contracted, ignores us, citing the fact that the lease of the vessel is finished, and they to us have no relationship”, — stated in the letter of seafarers the ITF.

The Union has already appealed for help to the Russian diplomats. “Trying to help the sailors prepare the documents to the representative office of the Russian foreign Ministry in Vladivostok, we believe that this will require their intervention,” — said Osichansky.

Currently BATM (large Autonomous freezer trawler) “Sheriff” is the main port of Namibia, Walvis Bay.

