Medvedev declined to comment on the false accusations of “political crooks”

Medvedev declined to comment on the false accusations of “political crooks”

So the Prime Minister answered the question of MP from the Communist party who mentioned about the attacks from the opposition leader Navalny.

MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said he would not comment on false accusations by political crooks.

Accordingly he said during a report to the state Duma on the question of the Deputy from Communist party Nikolay kolomeytsev, who mentioned about the attacks on the Prime Minister from the opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

The latter asked the Prime Minister what is stopping him “to refuse the services of them retired (Alexei) Kudrin and (head of the Central Bank of Russia) Elvira Nabiullina and to defend themselves from the attacks of Bulk.”

I have on this subject have been expressed, I can only say again to you: I will not have specific comment on completely false products political rogues, and would consider that my dear faction of the Communist party of the Russian Federation needs to refrain from this.Dmitry Medvedev

After Medvedev’s your opinion on the topic given by the Deputy from the Communist party of the matter was expressed by the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin.

“By the way, once a country had suffered, first and foremost the Communist party. Therefore, the findings should be made”, — said the Chairman of the lower house of Parliament.

