Le Pen has promised to end the “wild globalization”

Marine Le Pen

The candidate in presidents of France and the leader of “National front” (NF) marine Le Pen has promised his supporters to stop “savage globalization” in the case of his election to the presidency. On Tuesday, April 18, reports the Express.

“The choices have to do on Sunday, is simple. It is a choice between France, which will rise again, and France,
who’ll drown,” — said the politician. She also accused his rivals in the presidential race, françois Fillon and Jean-Luc Mélenchon in that they support the “wild globalization”, while it acts with Patriotic positions.

Le Pen has promised that the first step on a post of the President in case of its election will be the closure of the borders for illegal migrants. “The massive influx of visitors — this is not an opportunity for France, it is a tragedy for France,” she said.

The first round of presidential elections in France will take place on 23 April, the second on 7 may. For the post of head of state expect 11 people. The highest chance to win four candidates: the leader of the centrist movement “Forward!” François Fillon, marine Le Pen (NF), the ultraleft candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon and nominee of the right-wing “Republicans” françois Fillon.

