The Committee on the Federal device and questions of local government recommended the state Duma to adopt in the first reading a bill to extend the service life of the regional officials from 65 to 70 years. On Friday, April 14, the newspaper “Izvestia”.
The draft amendments to the law “On state civil service of the Russian Federation” was made by the deputies of the legislative Assembly of Stavropol territory in the beginning of this year. From January 2017, the same rules apply to Federal officials from among the leaders (heads of departments and offices, their deputies and staff).
The authors believe that the rules should be extended to the regions.
“The analysis shows that the citizen comes to the civil service in 40-45 years by purchasing sufficient life, research and work experience. Some time need to realize what is civil service, then the process of learning, to spend budget money. And then there’s the 65th anniversary, when he must leave the service, although willing and able to work”, — said at a meeting of the state Duma on April 13 the first Deputy Chairman of the Stavropol Duma Dmitry Sudovtsov.
In his opinion, if the old officials can compete with the young, that they should be allowed to work.
The bill has already received positive feedback from the legal Department of the state Duma, the Council of legislators (he was supported by 18 of the subjects) and the government. The lower house intends to consider the document in the first reading next week, said the Agency.