Most of all in the Cabinet in 2016, earned the head of Minkowksi

Most of all in the Cabinet in 2016, earned the head of Minkowksi

MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. Most of all in the Russian government in 2016, he earned the head of the Ministry for North Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov. According to the information about income, expenses and property, published on the official website of the Cabinet, his income was 582 million 146 thousand rubles.

According to the results of Declaration campaign in 2015, the income of the Minister was considerably lower at 47,9 million rubles, that is its income grew more than 12 times. Income Kuznetsova at the end of 2016 was almost 68 more than the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who declared 8.6 million rubles. On the day the head of Minkowksi last year earned an average of nearly 1.6 million.

A year earlier the leader on revenue in the Cabinet was the Minister of the Russian Federation on work with the Open government Mikhail Abyzov, who declared at the end of 2015 455 million 580 thousand rubles. At the end of last year, Abyzov was ranked second in the list of the “richest” of Ministers with income of $ 520,9 million. Closed the three of leaders of Deputy Prime Minister — presidential envoy in the far East Yuri Trutnev with 356,9 million.

Less than all of last year earned the Minister of agriculture Alexander Tkachev (5,6 million), as well as the head of the Ministry and the sports Ministry Sergey Donskoy and Pavel Kolobkov (both at 5.7 million rubles).

Buns for the first time reported income as a member of the government. In his previous Declaration, filed in the office of the Deputy head of the Ministry, for the year 2015 was indicated income in the amount of 5.2 million rubles. Also rookies of the Declaration campaign of 2017 in the Cabinet are the head of the Ministry Maxim Oreshkin (income, in 2016 amounted to 16.5 million rubles) and the head of the Ministry Olga Vasilyeva (6 million rubles).

