Ildar Dading
Activist Ildar Dading accepted the apology of chief of the colony in the Altai region, where he was serving a sentence for repeated violation of the rules of holding rallies. About it the oppositionist told in an interview to a National news service (NSN).
Dading received a letter of apology on Friday, April 14. The text was published by the wife of the opposition leader Anastasia Zotova.
“Officially, in a letter written that brings apology allegedly on behalf of the Russian Federation, the head of the IR No. 5 at Altai edge Lutwin Ivan. I saw the apology, I accept them. But I don’t think the superintendent has the right on behalf of the Russian Federation to apologise, officially, at least,” said Dading. He expressed the opinion that if asking forgiveness of the entire state, the law provides a different procedure for action.
In November 2016 Dading told about the torture suffered in the Karelian IR-7. A regional Investigative Committee checks revealed no violations of the rights of the opposition. However, in January of 2017, opposition leader transferred to IK-5 of the Altai territory. To freedom it was released on 26 February, his sentence was overturned by the Supreme court of Russia.
In December 2015, the Dading was sentenced to three years in colony of General regime, recognizing guilty of participation in uncoordinated protests in Moscow. In March 2016, it was decided to reduce the term of imprisonment for six months.