A new species of shrimp named in honor of the rock band Pink Floyd

A new species of shrimp named in honor of the rock band Pink Floyd

Researchers have discovered a new species of shrimp, which was named after the British rock band Pink Floyd. Shrimp Synalpheus pinkfloydi use their big pink claw to create a loud sound that could even kill the tiny fish.

The leader of the study from the Museum of national history at Oxford University Sammy de grave (Sammy De Grave) told me that was a big fan of the band while still a teenager, so a new kind of shrimp and was named in her honor. “Description of a new species of “snapping” shrimp was the perfect opportunity to finally recognize their favorite band,” he says.

Prog rock giants Pink Floyd honoured in naming of newly-discovered shrimp https://t.co/QM5jYHLZ3y pic.twitter.com/HmViBXYzgy

— Oxford University (@UniofOxford) 12 APR 2017

The newly discovered species inhabits the Pacific coast of Panama. “Trigger” or “firing” of shrimp with a quick click create a cavitation bubble, the explosion of which leads to one of the loudest sounds in the ocean — is it strong enough to stun or even kill small fish.

Description of a new species published in the scientific journal Zootaxa.

