Risks for Western countries when sending troops to Ukraine are identified

Andriy Kortunov: Kiev is interested in the deployment of Western military personnel in any number taking such steps because they understood the potential risks. Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), said this in an interview with Lenta.ru. Related materials 00:02 – April 10 “The interests of Ukrainians are not taken into account” The US is sending warships to the Black Sea. What is expected in the West from the aggravation in Donbass? 15:34 – June 23 Russian sailors used weapons against the British destroyer. What is known about the incident Black Sea? According to him, such actions could lead to the involvement of these countries in a military conflict between Kiev and Donbass or between Kiev and Russia. At the same time, Ukraine itself is interested in deploying Western military personnel on its territory in any format and in any quantity. “This ties the West

Zelensky called a key challenge for Ukraine

President of Ukraine Zelensky called the end of gas transit in 2025 a key challenge country. According to him, this is the end of the contract with Russia for gas transit in 2025. This was reported on the official website of the Ukrainian leader. “I think this will be a difficult moment. I believe that we must quickly implement the reform of thermal modernization, ”Zelensky said. According to him, the presidential office and the Ministry of Economy are already working on the preparation of a program for thermal modernization and energy efficiency. According to the head of state, the reform of thermal modernization of all multi-storey buildings will cost the state 300 billion hryvnia (about 837 billion rubles). The implementation of the program will begin next year, in particular, within its framework, gas consumption in multi-storey buildings will be halved. During the same press marathon, Zelenskiy said that Ukraine wants

South Africa called the unjustified reaction of countries to the omicron strain

South African Health Minister Paakhla called the global reaction to the omicron strain unjustified omicron coronavirus strain. So he commented on the decision of the EU and a number of other countries of the world to close the entrance to travelers from five African countries. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. Paakhla said that such a measure is contrary to the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO). He stressed that scientists have not yet found signs of increased virulence of the new strain. In addition, the minister stressed, experts do not believe that this option complicates the course of the disease. The head of the Ministry of Health assured that the existing vaccines against coronavirus have proven their effectiveness and remain the “main protection” against COVID-19. > Earlier, the US authorities said that from Monday, November 29, they would ban the entry of residents of eight African countries

Astronauts first move to a new module on the ISS

Roscosmos: cosmonauts Shkaplerov and Dubrov for the first time switched to the new Pryhal module on the ISS Russian cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov and Peter for the first time moved to the new Russian module “Prichal” on the International Space Station (ISS). This was reported on the page of the state corporation “Roskosmos” on Twitter. “The hatches from the side of the module” Science “and from the side of the” Prichal “were opened at 22.39 Moscow time,” – said in the message of “Roskosmos”. Earlier it was reported that Progress M-UM with the Prichal nodal module docked to the ISS. Docking of the last Russian module with the ISS took place on November 26 at 18:26 Moscow time. The separation of the instrument-and-assembly compartment from the “Prichal” is scheduled for December 22 at 01:20.

Uber banned in EU capital

A Brussels court has banned Uber An appeals court in Brussels ruled that Uber should disable the taxi booking app in the Belgian capital. The service has stopped working in this country, writes Reuters. The ban on private individuals from providing taxi services now also applies to professional drivers. Uber said it was very upset with this court decision. This will affect about two thousand drivers, the company noted. In protest, taxi drivers blocked a main street in the EU capital on 25 November. The Brussels administration has said it will work on a “temporary solution” to ban Uber. Uber is suing many European countries for not meeting service regulations and staffing practices. Some drivers complain that they cannot make enough money through the app, and that they are unable to take advantage of hospital payments and annual leave. It was previously reported that food delivery service Uber Eats will

День в истории: 27 ноября

День морской пехоты в России Ежегодно 27 ноября в России отмечается День морской пехоты. Этот день был выбран в память об Указе Петра I о создании первого в России «полка морских солдат», изданном 27 ноября 1705 года. Утвердили эту дату в 1995 году в соответствии с приказом Главнокомандующего ВМФ Российской Федерации. День морской пехоты — это профессиональный праздник всех военнослужащих, военнообязанных, а также гражданского персонала, проходящих или проходивших службу и работающих в воинских частях морской пехоты ВС РФ. Обычно в этот день в стране проходят торжественные мероприятия, концерты звезд эстрады, самобытных военных ансамблей. Также в праздничную дату заслуженным морским пехотинцам присваивают очередные воинские звания, вручают ордена и медали.

Astronauts first move to a new module on the ISS

Roskosmos: cosmonauts Shkaplerov and Dubrov for the first time switched to the new module “Prichal” on the ISS into the new Russian module “Prichal” on the International Space Station (ISS). This was reported on the page of the state corporation “Roskosmos” on Twitter. “The hatches from the side of the module” Science “and from the side of the” Prichal “were opened at 22.39 Moscow time,” – said in the message of “Roskosmos”. Earlier it was reported that Progress M-UM with the Prichal nodal module docked to the ISS. Docking of the last Russian module with the ISS took place on November 26 at 18:26 Moscow time. The separation of the instrument-and-assembly compartment from the “Prichal” is scheduled for December 22 at 01:20.

Uber banned in EU capital

A Brussels court has banned Uber An appeals court in Brussels ruled that Uber should disable the taxi booking app in the Belgian capital. The service has stopped working in this country, writes Reuters. The ban on private individuals from providing taxi services now also applies to professional drivers. Uber said it was very upset with this court decision. This will affect about two thousand drivers, the company noted. In protest, taxi drivers blocked a main street in the EU capital on 25 November. The Brussels administration has said it will work on a “temporary solution” to ban Uber. Uber is suing many European countries for not meeting service regulations and staffing practices. Some drivers complain that they cannot make enough money through the app, and that they are unable to take advantage of hospital payments and annual leave. It was previously reported that food delivery service Uber Eats will

Astronauts first move to a new module on the ISS

Roskosmos: cosmonauts Shkaplerov and Dubrov for the first time have switched to the new module “Prichal” on the ISS Russian cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov and Peter Dubrov have crossed into the new Russian module “Prichal” on the International Space Station (ISS). This was reported on the page of the state corporation “Roskosmos” on Twitter. “The hatches from the side of the module” Science “and from the side of the” Prichal “were opened at 22.39 Moscow time,” – said in the message of “Roskosmos”. Earlier it was reported that Progress M-UM with the Prichal nodal module docked to the ISS. Docking of the last Russian module with the ISS took place on November 26 at 18:26 Moscow time. The separation of the instrument-and-assembly compartment from the “Prichal” is scheduled for December 22 at 01:20.

In the United States spoke about the chances of existing vaccines against the new strain

Epidemiologist Rutherford: vaccines are effective against COVID-19 strains, the new one is no exception reason to think that the new strain from Africa will be an exception. This opinion was expressed in comments to “Lenta.ru” by Professor of Epidemiology at the University of California at San Francisco (USA) George Rutherford. Related materials00: 01 – September 8 ” The lack of vaccines is a shame “The acute phase of a pandemic could drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? 00:01 – 31 July ? The specialist emphasized that so far there is no evidence that the available vaccines have a lower chance against a new strain, called the Greek letter omicron. Earlier, the Head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the strain could spread around the world in the next few months. On the evening of November 26, the World Health Organization recognized the