Kremlin disagrees that Russia has failed the world by blocking UN climate resolution

“The climate agenda is very important. We & nbsp; actively demonstrated this, (she) is discussed and & nbsp; in the & nbsp; government and & nbsp; at & nbsp; events led by the president. The resolution was completely unacceptable. Climate may not & nbsp; be the factor that limits countries in & nbsp; the right to & nbsp; development. And here the offer comes from & nbsp; countries that in & nbsp; their time very much harmed the climate and & nbsp; so they earned themselves a powerful industrial economy & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Mr Peskov answered the & nbsp; corresponding question of Kommersant & nbsp; FM in the & nbsp; press call. The presidential representative noted that & nbsp; would not & nbsp; agree & nbsp; with the & nbsp; statement that & nbsp; & nbsp; “ Moscow let everyone down. '' “ We are & nbsp;

Bild: Merkel personally refused Zelensky to unblock arms supplies

According to the interlocutors of the publication, later the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky personally asked the ex-Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel; however, she replied that & nbsp; this is out of the question. According to a Bild source, using a veto, Germany forced the Netherlands to oppose the supplies as well, so that & nbsp; there was an impression that & nbsp; Germany was the only opponent of supplies. The weapons, according to & nbsp; his data, & nbsp; have already been paid for. According to the sources of the publication who were present at the & nbsp; meeting of Vladimir Zelensky and & nbsp; Angela Merkel, the President of Ukraine personally asked to lift the ban on & nbsp; supplies, but the Chancellor & laquo; in an icy voice '' said that & nbsp; this is “ excluded ''. According to & nbsp; according to the newspaper, Berlin

State Duma Healthcare Committee Supports Bill on QR Codes in Public Places

& laquo; Our conclusion & nbsp; & mdash; support and & nbsp; recommend to accept in & nbsp; first reading & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Khubezov. Consideration of the bill by the State Duma is scheduled for & nbsp; Thursday, 16 & nbsp; December. Discussion of the draft law with & nbsp; State Duma deputies took place the day before, 13 & nbsp; December. United Russia intends to support the initiative, the Communist Party and & nbsp; & laquo; Fair Russia & nbsp; & mdash; For & nbsp; truth & raquo; oppose, 'New People' not yet & nbsp; decided. The bill on the & nbsp; introduction of QR codes on & nbsp; transport was decided to be removed from & nbsp; consideration for & nbsp; revision. The government's initiative assumes that & nbsp; citizens will be required to show QR codes when & nbsp; visiting places of mass

Former Israeli prime minister calls Trump “a pitiful man”

“Trump says that & nbsp; the & nbsp; fact that & nbsp; Bibi congratulated Biden as if & nbs Israel and & nbsp; America were entirely based on the & nbsp; personal desires of Donald Trump. This is madness. I & nbsp; think him a pathetic person & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Olmert said. According to Trump, Netanyahu congratulated incumbent President Joe Biden on taking office & nbsp; very early. However, according to Olmert, he actually waited so long that “it was embarrassing.” for & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the most friendly nation for & nbsp; America & raquo ;. It is noted with & nbsp; that & nbsp; for & nbsp; Olmert is not & nbsp; to defend Netanyahu, since, according to & nbsp; his own admission, he does not like the prime minister & nbsp; , he & nbsp; does not & nbsp; trusts him and

The State Duma explained the impossibility of a sharp increase in pensions to Russians

According to & nbsp; his opinion, the growth of pensions should be based on & nbsp; real financial capabilities of the state. & laquo; Colleagues sometimes offer to distribute a lot of money, but & nbsp; you need to understand: when this huge amount is one-time thrown into the & nbsp; economy, this will lead to & nbsp; growth of inflation & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; quotes Isaev's words on the Telegram channel “ Radiotochka NSN. '' new proposals for & nbsp; indexation of pensions in & nbsp; 2022. The & nbsp; department added that & nbsp; in & nbsp; 2018, a law was passed on & nbsp; annual indexation of pensions above the inflation rate, according to which by & nbsp; 2024 the average pension will exceed 20 thousand rubles. On November 18 & nbsp; Putin said that & nbsp; the rate of indexation of pensions in &

USA intends to assist in strengthening the military potential of Lithuania

WASHINGTON, December 14 & nbsp;/TASS /. The US authorities intend to help Lithuania in & nbsp; strengthen its & nbsp; armed forces and & nbsp; are ready to support the republic in the & nbsp; light of the challenges associated, according to & nbsp; Washington's version, with & nbsp; Belarus, Russia and & nbsp; China. & Nbsp; This was stated on & nbsp; Monday by the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, receiving at the Pentagon his Lithuanian counterpart Arvydas Anushauskas. According to & nbsp; Austin's version, quoted by the press service of the US military, “ Lithuania has become a beacon of democracy in the & nbsp; region, this includes the reception of expelled Russian and & nbsp; Belarusian opposition leaders. '' “ We & nbsp; understand the challenges you & nbsp; face & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; he said. “ The regime in & nbsp; Belarus cynically

The United States allowed the sending of military personnel in the event of Russia's “invasion” of Ukraine

She recalled the & nbsp; events of 2014 that took place in & nbsp; east of Ukraine, and & nbsp; noted then that many countries & nbsp; according to & nbsp; NATO asked for support from the & nbsp; USA, in & nbsp; including to increase the military presence of American units in & nbsp; their territories. “ And, of course, this will be considered if Russia decides to invade & nbsp; Ukraine & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; she said. Information about the & nbsp; concentration of Russian troops on the & nbsp; borders of Ukraine began to appear in & nbsp; Western media in & nbsp; October. In & nbsp; mid-November, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced & nbsp; 100 thousand Russian military at & nbsp; borders. US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said that the & nbsp; “ invasion '' Russia on & nbsp; Ukraine may take

EU believes it was able to stop the flow of migrants through Belarus

“Through diplomatic efforts we & nbsp; were able to stop through & nbsp; Belarus to & nbsp; empty borders & nbsp; EU … Lukashenka did not & nbsp; achieve his goal, and & nbsp; now he has problems. This situation showed that & nbsp; we & nbsp; are united and & nbsp; can achieve results. I'm & nbsp; satisfied & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Borrell said at a & nbsp; press conference on the & nbsp; results of the meeting of the & nbsp; EU Council in & nbsp; Brussels (quoted by & nbsp; TASS). At the & nbsp; he & nbsp; noted that & nbsp; the EU continues to support the Belarusian people in & nbsp; its desire for & nbsp; ; democracy. On the territory of Belarus there are now several thousand refugees from the & nbsp; countries of the Middle East. Lukashenka said earlier that &

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry did not recognize Putin's claims on foreign real estate

Allegations of & nbsp; Ukraine's failure to fulfill its obligation to & nbsp; transfer of foreign assets of the USSR to Russia & nbsp; & mdash; manipulation of facts. This is how the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Oleg Nikolenko, assessed the situation, according to Ukrinform. “ The statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin about & nbsp; allegedly Ukraine's failure to fulfill its obligation to & nbsp; transfer the foreign assets of the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation & nbsp; & mdash; manipulation of facts & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. According to & nbsp; Nikolayenko, Ukraine's share in the & nbsp; total debt and & nbsp; assets of the USSR was 16.37%. In & nbsp; 1994, Ukraine and & nbsp; Russia signed the so-called agreement on & nbsp; “ zero option '', in & nbsp; in accordance with &

Реки и озера в России покрылись ледяными цветами (фото)

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