EU believes it was able to stop the flow of migrants through Belarus

“Through diplomatic efforts we & nbsp; were able to stop through & nbsp; Belarus to & nbsp; empty borders & nbsp; EU … Lukashenka did not & nbsp; achieve his goal, and & nbsp; now he has problems. This situation showed that & nbsp; we & nbsp; are united and & nbsp; can achieve results. I'm & nbsp; satisfied & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Borrell said at a & nbsp; press conference on the & nbsp; results of the meeting of the & nbsp; EU Council in & nbsp; Brussels (quoted by & nbsp; TASS).

At the & nbsp; he & nbsp; noted that & nbsp; the EU continues to support the Belarusian people in & nbsp; its desire for & nbsp; ; democracy.

On the territory of Belarus there are now several thousand refugees from the & nbsp; countries of the Middle East. Lukashenka said earlier that & nbsp; would not & nbsp; will expel migrants from & nbsp; Belarus. He & nbsp; promised that & nbsp; would personally deal with & nbsp; those who & nbsp; would demand from & nbsp; these people to return to their homeland. While & nbsp; this he & nbsp; noted that & nbsp; migrants “ are advised to decide on & nbsp; their future destiny. '' “ It's winter outside and & nbsp; you see how cold it is. They just with & nbsp; kids there will not & nbsp; stand & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he said & nbsp; in & nbsp; an interview with the Turkish television and radio company TRT.

The migration crisis at the & nbsp; border escalated in & nbsp; November due to the & nbsp; influx of migrants who want to get to & nbsp; Europe through & nbsp; Minsk. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko believes that the & nbsp; & nbsp; crisis was caused by the sanctions and & nbsp; the EU's refusal to build camps for & nbsp; refugees. The EU & nbsp; believes that the & nbsp; Belarusian authorities are involved in the & nbsp; illegal transportation of people from & nbsp; Middle East countries.

