The United States allowed the sending of military personnel in the event of Russia's “invasion” of Ukraine

She recalled the & nbsp; events of 2014 that took place in & nbsp; east of Ukraine, and & nbsp; noted then that many countries & nbsp; according to & nbsp; NATO asked for support from the & nbsp; USA, in & nbsp; including to increase the military presence of American units in & nbsp; their territories. “ And, of course, this will be considered if Russia decides to invade & nbsp; Ukraine & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; she said.

Information about the & nbsp; concentration of Russian troops on the & nbsp; borders of Ukraine began to appear in & nbsp; Western media in & nbsp; October. In & nbsp; mid-November, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced & nbsp; 100 thousand Russian military at & nbsp; borders. US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said that the & nbsp; “ invasion '' Russia on & nbsp; Ukraine may take place in & nbsp; early 2022. The United States and & nbsp; other Western countries admitted that & nbsp; would impose new sanctions against Russia if it tried to send troops to & nbsp; Ukraine.

The Russian side has repeatedly denied information about the & nbsp; impending offensive and & nbsp; named data about & nbsp; a possible “ invasion '' to & nbsp; Ukraine “ empty injection ''. Putin noted that & nbsp; it was NATO that was making “ dangerous attempts to conquer Ukrainian territory. '' As reported in the & nbsp; Kremlin, US President Joe Biden said at an & nbsp; online meeting with & nbsp; Putin about & nbsp; the nature of the movement of Russian troops near the & nbsp; Ukrainian border. At the same time, the & nbsp; US administration said that & nbsp; he & nbsp; clearly explained to Putin that & nbsp; Washington with & nbsp; allies would give a & nbsp; decisive answer in & nbsp; in the & nbsp; case of military escalation in & nbsp; the form of serious economic and & nbsp; other measures & raquo ;.

p> According to the & nbsp; aide to the Russian President Yuri Ushakov, Putin said in a & nbsp; conversation with & nbsp; Biden that & nbsp; Moscow needed guarantees that would exclude NATO's advance to the & nbsp; east. He & nbsp; & quot; said bluntly that & nbsp; we are worried about the increase in military activity & quot; Ukraine and & nbsp; NATO forces in & nbsp; close proximity to & nbsp; Russian borders, the assistant to the head of state added.

Putin himself called the negotiations with & nbsp; Biden open, substantive and & nbsp; constructive. According to the & nbsp; Russian president, he & nbsp; discussed in detail with & nbsp; Biden the situation around & nbsp; Ukraine.

