Ukrainian Foreign Ministry did not recognize Putin's claims on foreign real estate

Allegations of & nbsp; Ukraine's failure to fulfill its obligation to & nbsp; transfer of foreign assets of the USSR to Russia & nbsp; & mdash; manipulation of facts. This is how the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Oleg Nikolenko, assessed the situation, according to Ukrinform.

“ The statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin about & nbsp; allegedly Ukraine's failure to fulfill its obligation to & nbsp; transfer the foreign assets of the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation & nbsp; & mdash; manipulation of facts & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he.

According to & nbsp; Nikolayenko, Ukraine's share in the & nbsp; total debt and & nbsp; assets of the USSR was 16.37%.

In & nbsp; 1994, Ukraine and & nbsp; Russia signed the so-called agreement on & nbsp; “ zero option '', in & nbsp; in accordance with & nbsp; under which Russia undertook to pay the Ukrainian share in the & nbsp; external state debt of the USSR according to & nbsp; as of & nbsp; December 1, 1991. & Nbsp; Ukraine, for its part, had to transfer to Russia its share in the & nbsp; assets of the USSR as of & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; December 1991.

Nikolayenko explained that & nbsp; The Verkhovna Rada did not & nbsp; ratify this agreement. “ This document did not & nbsp; entered into force neither & nbsp; for & nbsp; Ukraine, nor & nbsp; for & nbsp; Russia. Consequently, talking about & nbsp; non-fulfillment of some & nbsp; obligations without & nbsp; due process of law seems unreasonable & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; summarized the speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

He & nbsp; explained that & nbsp; then Russia did not & nbsp; provided information about the & nbsp; value of Ukrainian assets, but & nbsp; it made it impossible for the Verkhovna Rada to ratify the agreement.

Deputy Director of the Institute of CIS Countries Vladimir Zharikhin in an & nbsp; interview with Izvestia told that & nbsp; we are talking about & nbsp; many real estate objects abroad, which Ukraine left behind, despite & nbsp; agreements, in & nbsp; including permanent missions, embassy buildings and & nbsp; missions. “ This story began under & nbsp; Kravchuk, continued under & nbsp; Kuchma, yes & nbsp; and, frankly, Yanukovych was not & nbsp; eager to discuss this issue '', & nbsp; & mdash; the political scientist emphasized.

According to & nbsp; Zharikhin's estimates, we are talking about & nbsp; property worth & nbsp; billions of dollars.

Putin recalled & nbsp; this problem on December 12 & nbsp; on & nbsp; air of the Russia 1 TV channel; … According to & nbsp; he said, Moscow in & nbsp; 1993 pledged to pay off all the debts of the former USSR for & nbsp; all other republics, counting on & nbsp; transfer to it & nbsp; Soviet foreign assets. “ We repaid all the debts & nbsp; for & nbsp; but & nbsp; far from & nbsp; everyone fulfilled this obligation to & nbsp; transfer foreign assets to us. For example, Ukraine has not done this before & nbsp; and & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; pointed out by Putin.

