New York Declares State of Emergency Due to Rise in COVID-19 Cases

Governor of New York Hockool announced a state of emergency due to rising cases of COVID-19 the imposition of a state of emergency until January 15, 2022 amid an increase in cases of COVID-19 infection. This is stated in an official decree published on the governor's website. The document says that given the observed spread of the coronavirus “at a rate unseen in the state since April 2020,” hospitalizations related to COVID-19 and the need for a coordinated approach to ensuring the capacity of hospitals, the Governor has declared a state of emergency throughout New York State. The decree will allow the Department of Health to restrict the provision of non-serious and non-urgent procedures in hospitals to ensure there are enough seats ahead of a possible increase in coronavirus cases this coming winter. The ordinance will take effect from Friday, December 3. It will also allow the state to more

US wanted to limit exercises in Europe for the sake of relations with Russia

WSJ: US wanted to limit military exercises in Europe to reduce confrontation with Moscow US President Joe Biden's administration amid Russian-Ukrainian border is considering the possibility of reducing military exercises in Europe for the sake of relations with Moscow. The Wall Street Journal writes about this with reference to representatives of the American authorities. According to the newspaper, the US is considering two possible options for action. In the first case, the Biden administration can help strengthen Ukraine's defenses , including increasing the supply of military equipment, in particular, anti-aircraft systems. This option also provides for tougher sanctions against the Russian Federation. Another possible plan involves reducing the “risk of confrontation with Moscow,” including by limiting the number of US military exercises in Europe. These exercises continue to provoke criticism from Russia, the newspaper said. This option also implies the suspension of sending military aid to Kiev. On November 23,

The likelihood of recognition of Baikal as a UNESCO heritage under threat is assessed

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Abramchenko: The Russian Federation will not allow the recognition of Baikal as a UNESCO heritage under the threat the country will take all necessary measures to prevent the inclusion of Lake Baikal in the list of UNESCO heritage sites under threat. Her words are reported by TASS. According to Abramchenko, the issue of adding the reservoir to the list of natural objects that are in danger can be removed before the start of the meeting of the organization's committee in Kazan in 2022. ” The Russian Federation will do everything for this, and such an issue will not be on the agenda, “the Deputy Prime Minister explained. The World Organization allowed the lake to be included in the list of objects” Natural Heritage under Threat “in connection with the problem of coastal development Russian reservoir. This issue was raised at a regular meeting

The likelihood of recognition of Baikal as a UNESCO heritage under threat is assessed

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Abramchenko: The Russian Federation will not allow the recognition of Baikal as a UNESCO heritage under the threat the country will take all necessary measures to prevent the inclusion of Lake Baikal in the list of UNESCO heritage sites under threat. Her words are reported by TASS. According to Abramchenko, the issue of adding the reservoir to the list of natural objects that are in danger can be removed before the start of the meeting of the organization's committee in Kazan in 2022. ” The Russian Federation will do everything for this, and such an issue will not be on the agenda, “the Deputy Prime Minister explained. The World Organization allowed the lake to be included in the list of objects” Natural Heritage under Threat “in connection with the problem of coastal development Russian reservoir. This issue was raised at a regular meeting

Anti-Axist bloggers' lies revealed

Director of APPSIM Zykov: bloggers who are against vaccination are themselves vaccinated against COVID-19 Director of the Association of Professional Users of Social Networks and Messengers ( APPSIM) Vladimir Zykov disclosed information about the lies of anti-Axis bloggers. He told radio Sputnik that bloggers often mislead Russians. According to the expert, such bloggers often have a “professional secret.” -19, however, fakes about vaccinations continue to spread on social networks, misleading other Russians. “Unfortunately, the problem with anti-axers is quite acute. Moreover, the point is not that there are many people who are against vaccination, but that there are people who tell fakes about vaccination, ”Zykov said, adding that among the false information they spread, the most harm is caused by fakes that the vaccine is allegedly hazardous to health. The specialist emphasized that bloggers know how to “change shoes in the air”. “It's one thing to tell something to the

Anti-Axist bloggers' lies revealed

Director of APPSIM Zykov: bloggers who are against vaccination are themselves vaccinated against COVID-19 Director of the Association of Professional Users of Social Networks and Messengers APPSIM) Vladimir Zykov disclosed information about the lies of anti-Axis bloggers. He told radio Sputnik that bloggers often mislead Russians. According to the expert, such bloggers often have a “professional secret.” -19, however, fakes about vaccinations continue to spread on social networks, misleading other Russians. “Unfortunately, the problem with anti-axers is quite acute. Moreover, the point is not that there are many people who are against vaccination, but that there are people who tell fakes about vaccination, ”Zykov said, adding that among the false information they spread, the most harm is caused by fakes that the vaccine is allegedly hazardous to health. The specialist emphasized that bloggers know how to “change shoes in the air”. “It's one thing to tell something to the audience,

Gunzburg spoke about the vaccination of children with a nasal drug

Gunzburg: children after vaccination with a nasal drug had no negative effects from coronavirus infection with a nasal drug. This was reported by RIA Novosti. According to him, there were no negative consequences. He also noted that he used the drug himself. “Naturally, I was vaccinated. Not only me. The small children of our employees, including six years old, were vaccinated, and they did not have any negative consequences. The little children of my neighbors also took root. All normal people want to protect their children, “he stressed. Earlier it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin tested a nasal vaccine against coronavirus. He underwent the procedure the day after re-vaccination with Sputnik Light. In October, the Ministry of Health of Russia allowed the Gamaleya Center to conduct the second phase of clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine in the form of a nasal spray. According to the head of

Gunzburg spoke about the vaccination of children with a nasal drug

Gunzburg: children after vaccination with a nasal drug had no negative effects from coronavirus infection with a nasal drug. This was reported by RIA Novosti. According to him, there were no negative consequences. He also noted that he used the drug himself. “Naturally, I was vaccinated. Not only me. The small children of our employees, including six years old, were vaccinated, and they did not have any negative consequences. The little children of my neighbors also took root. All normal people want to protect their children, “he stressed. Earlier it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin tested a nasal vaccine against coronavirus. He underwent the procedure the day after re-vaccination with Sputnik Light. In October, the Ministry of Health of Russia allowed the Gamaleya Center to conduct the second phase of clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine in the form of a nasal spray. According to the head of

WSJ: US May Limit Exercises In Europe For The Sake Of De-escalation On The Border Of Russia And Ukraine

NEW YORK, November 27 & nbsp;/TASS /. The United States may limit military exercises in & nbsp; Europe and & nbsp; suspend arms supplies to Kiev to & nbsp; reduce tensions in & nbsp; ties with & nbsp; attributed & nbsp; RF unusual military activity near & nbsp; Ukraine. & Nbsp; This was reported in & nbsp; Friday by The Wall Street Journal with & nbsp; referring to & nbsp; sources in the & nbsp; American administration. Earlier, Karen Donfried, Assistant Secretary of State for & nbsp; European and Eurasian Affairs, noted that & nbsp; Washington “ is very serious about & nbsp; unusual military movements on the & nbsp; Russian border with & nbsp; Ukraine. '' According to & nbsp; she said, at the upcoming meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Riga on November 30 & nbsp; the American side intends to discuss possible joint steps with the &

They wanted to sue Zelensky

Former head of the GUR Burba will go to court because of Zelensky's statements about the reasons for his dismissal Former head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Vasily Burba said that he intends to go to court after statements by President Volodymyr Zelensky on the reasons for his dismissal from office. Burba announced this on the air of the program “Freedom of speech by Savik Shuster”. The program has been published on YouTube. “I cannot ignore the president’s words addressed to me. Therefore, I have to go to court from tomorrow, and let the court put an end to this issue, “he said. In addition, Burba commented on the accusations of the head of state that the former head of the GUR allegedly intended to steal the formula vaccines against COVID-19, in order to then transfer this data to Russia or China. He said