The first Russian airline was banned from flying to the European Union

The European Union has blacklisted the Russian airline Skol, it is prohibited from flying in the EU The EU has included “The Russian airline Skol. The corresponding notice has been published on the official website of the EU. This means that Skol is prohibited from flying to the countries of the European Union. As noted in the message, this decision was made due to fears that “it will not be able to meet international safety standards.” Skol is the first Russian airline included in the EU’s “black list”, except for it the list includes another 97 air carriers, mainly from Africa. Skol is a resident of the Special Economic Zone of the Kaliningrad Region, the airline was founded in 2000. In August, the Federal Tax Service (FTS) filed a claim for bankruptcy, but later the company announced that it had paid more than 193 million rubles of debt, writes RBC.

The first Russian airline was banned from flying to the European Union

The European Union has blacklisted the Russian airline Skol, it is prohibited from flying in the EU The EU has included “The Russian airline Skol. The corresponding notice has been published on the official website of the EU. This means that Skol is prohibited from flying to the countries of the European Union. As noted in the message, this decision was made due to fears that “it will not be able to meet international safety standards.” Skol is the first Russian airline included in the EU’s “black list”, except for it the list includes another 97 air carriers, mainly from Africa. Skol is a resident of the Special Economic Zone of the Kaliningrad Region, the airline was founded in 2000. In August, the Federal Tax Service (FTS) filed a claim for bankruptcy, but later the company announced that it had paid more than 193 million rubles of debt, writes RBC.

Katya Lel responded to the invitation of doctors to visit hospitals and morgues

Singer Katya Lel in response to a letter from doctors: I have never campaigned against vaccination Russian pop singer Katya Lel, who is among other famous anti-vaccines were invited to visit the “red zone”, said that she had never campaigned against vaccination against coronavirus. The actress responded to the doctors' open letter on the Instagram page. “Vaccination is voluntary, as our president said, and I absolutely agree with him. I have never campaigned or called on anyone to abandon this procedure, it should be a free choice of every person, “Lel wrote. The singer called on Russians to unite in” love for each other “, to be kinder and more tolerant. Earlier, the chief doctors of large covid hospitals in the country invited famous anti-Axis on an “excursion” to hospitals where patients with COVID-19 lie. In addition to Katya Lel, among them were actress Maria Shukshina, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, TV

Katya Lel responded to the invitation of doctors to visit hospitals and morgues

Singer Katya Lel in response to a letter from doctors: I have never campaigned against vaccination Russian pop singer Katya Lel, who is among other famous anti-vaccines were invited to visit the “red zone”, said that she had never campaigned against vaccination against coronavirus. The actress responded to the doctors' open letter on the Instagram page. “Vaccination is voluntary, as our president said, and I absolutely agree with him. I have never campaigned or called on anyone to abandon this procedure, it should be a free choice of every person, “Lel wrote. The singer called on Russians to unite in” love for each other “, to be kinder and more tolerant. Earlier, the chief doctors of large covid hospitals in the country invited famous anti-Axis on an “excursion” to hospitals where patients with COVID-19 lie. In addition to Katya Lel, among them were actress Maria Shukshina, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, TV

Nutritionist debunks daily water intake myth

Nutritionist Gavrikova: there is no equal rate of water consumption for all people Nutritionist Anastasia Gavrikova has debunked the myth of the daily rate of water consumption. She noted that the same rate of water consumption for every person does not exist. RIA Novosti writes about this. At the same time, the specialist noted that it is worth adhering to certain recommendations. “I usually recommend focusing on the following norms: 30 milliliters of fluid per kilogram of ideal body weight. Ideal body weight means the middle of the normal weight interval, “she said. Gavrikova also noted that 70 percent of the total volume of fluid should be water. “You can also focus on the color of urine during the day, it should be light. A dark color means that you do not drink enough water, and this occurs in many people, “she said. According to the expert, if you drink

Nutritionist debunks daily water intake myth

Nutritionist Gavrikova: there is no equal rate of water consumption for all people She noted that the same rate of water consumption for every person does not exist. RIA Novosti writes about this. At the same time, the specialist noted that it is worth adhering to certain recommendations. “I usually recommend focusing on the following norms: 30 milliliters of fluid per kilogram of ideal body weight. Ideal body weight means the middle of the normal weight interval, “she said. Gavrikova also noted that 70 percent of the total volume of fluid should be water. “You can also focus on the color of urine during the day, it should be light. A dark color means that you do not drink enough water, and this occurs in many people, “she said. According to the expert, if you drink insufficient water, the blood becomes thicker, flows more slowly, decreases providing cells with oxygen,

The State Duma proposed to give the Russians additional days off for revaccination

Deputy Tumusov proposed to provide Russians with additional days off for revaccination but also for revaccination against coronavirus infection. He will voice this idea in an interview with Sputnik radio. The parliamentarian recalled that now employers in Russia are advised to give employees two days off to get vaccinated against COVID-19 – one day for each component of the vaccine. However, according to Tususov, this is not enough. I am a proponent of not coercing vaccinations by violent methods, I am in favor of stimulating. I think that giving days off is kind of a bonus, an encouragement to those who get vaccinated. The same with revaccination Fedot TumusovDeputat of the State DumaAccording to the deputy, the benefit for employers in providing additional days off for employees is that if an employee falls ill with COVID-19, “he will be out of order for a while,” which will hit the economy

The State Duma proposed to give the Russians additional days off for revaccination

Deputy Tumusov proposed to provide Russians with additional days off for revaccination but also for revaccination against coronavirus infection. He will voice this idea in an interview with Sputnik radio. The parliamentarian recalled that now employers in Russia are advised to give employees two days off to get vaccinated against COVID-19 – one day for each component of the vaccine. However, according to Tususov, this is not enough. I am a proponent of not coercing vaccinations by violent methods, I am in favor of stimulating. I think that giving days off is kind of a bonus, an encouragement to those who get vaccinated. The same is true for revaccination Fedot Tumusov State Duma deputyAccording to the deputy, the benefit for employers in providing additional days off for employees is that if an employee falls ill with COVID-19, “he will be out of order for a while,” which will hit the

WTO conference postponed due to new strain of coronavirus

Reuters: the first WTO conference in 4 years was postponed due to a new strain of coronavirus The World Trade Organization (WTO) decided to postpone the first four years of a ministerial conference due to the appearance in South Africa of a new strain of coronavirus omicron. This is reported by Reuters. The meeting was to be held from November 30 to December 3. The new dates for its implementation have not yet been determined. As Interfax clarifies, citing a source in the Russian delegation, the postponement of the event is due to the decision of the Swiss authorities to suspend flights with South Africa and a number of African countries. Earlier, WHO experts recognized the newest COVID-19 strain identified in South Africa as a threat B.1.1.529, which was assigned the Greek letter omicron. According to the organization, the virus, after a series of mutations, can affect the protein content

Man attempting to enter a military facility in the United States with a knife was shot

CNN: A man with a knife tried to enter a military facility in San Diego, he was shot and killed entered the US Marine Corps recruit training facility in San Diego, California, and was shot. This was reported by CNN with reference to a representative of a military facility. A man drove up in a car to the checkpoint. The guards ordered him to stop, but the driver got out of the car with a knife in his hands and headed in their direction with “hostile intentions.” After several warnings, the guards opened fire, and the unknown died on the spot. The US Navy Investigation Department is investigating. In March, US intelligence reported that the Iranian military was discussing an attack on the US military base at Fort McNair in Washington. This intelligence became known from intercepted negotiations between the soldiers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).