Russian frigate hit the target with a missile of the latest “Answer” complex in the Sea of ​​Japan

The & nbsp; ministry said that & nbsp; the ship's anti-submarine missile system 'Answer' designed to & nbsp; defeat submarines. The department noted that universal launchers are used to launch anti-submarine missiles, which also allow the use of cruise missiles “Onyx” and “Caliber”. Earlier, on November 29, the frigate ” ; Admiral Gorshkov & raquo; performed a new test launch of the Zircon hypersonic missile from the & nbsp; White Sea to & nbsp; range over 400 & nbsp; km. Previous launch of the Zircon rocket Admiral Gorshkov completed 18 & nbsp; November by & nbsp; marine target from & nbsp; White Sea. The target was hit by a direct hit. “Answer” consists of & nbsp; anti-submarine guided missile, which is fired from & nbsp; universal launchers 3C-14. In the & nbsp; head of the rocket “ Answer '' there is a small-sized homing anti-submarine torpedo. The maximum firing range

В Pfizer заявили о вероятности одновременного заражения штаммами «омикрон» и «дельта»

«Научные исследования в Южной Африке показывают, что люди, особенно с ослабленной иммунной системой, могут заражаться сразу двумя вирусами. Это возможно и сейчас, учитывая число случаев инфицирования, которое мы наблюдаем», — сказал врач, слова которого приводит газета Daily Mail. Бертон добавил, что одновременное заражение двумя штаммами может привести к появлению еще более заразного варианта. По мнению опрошенных изданием экспертов, оба штамма могут поражать одну и ту же клетку и таким образом мутировать, однако вероятность подобного развития событий оценивается как крайне незначительная. Отмечается, что за время пандемии коронавируса были выявлены три случая так называемой рекомбинации штаммов, которые в итоге не способствовали возникновению новой мутации и не вызывали новую вспышку инфекции. Например, один из таких случаев произошел ранее в текущем году в Великобритании, когда в январе была обнаружена разновидность вируса, полученная в результате слияния альфа-штамма со штаммом B.1.177, впервые выявленного в Испании. Всего было зарегистрировано 44 случая заражения мутационным штаммом, но впоследствии этот вариант «растворился сам по себе». Газета также напомнила о другой рекомбинации, которая была зафиксирована в феврале в американском штате Калифорния после слияния альфа-штамма с разновидностью B.1.429, обнаруженной на западном побережье США. Однако в конечном

The Elysee Palace told what Putin and Macron discussed during the talks

The & nbsp; communique states that & nbsp; Macron confirmed support for the release of prisoners, the opening of checkpoints, the opening of checkpoints. A decision on & nbsp; these issues can be made on the & nbsp; occasion of the New Year, they say in & nbsp; Paris. Mark also asked Putin to provide his support for & nbsp; humanitarian measures. The parties agreed to renegotiate before the end of the year. Earlier it was reported that & nbsp; Putin and & nbsp; Macron discussed the situation around & nbsp; Ukraine. In the course of telephone conversations, both parties outlined their vision of the situation. The Russian president cited examples of & nbsp; Kiev's violation of the Minsk agreements. Prior to & nbsp; Putin and & nbsp; his Finnish counterpart Sauli Niiniste in & nbsp; during telephone conversations discussed Ukrainian issues and & nbsp; the crisis within & nbsp;

EU reforms Schengen area due to pandemic and migration crisis

The European Commission (EC) came up with & nbsp; proposals for & nbsp; reform of the Schengen area against the background of the pandemic & nbsp; nbsp; crisis in & nbsp; EU countries bordering on & nbsp; Belarus. The EC & nbsp; proposes to create a new protection mechanism for the Schengen Agreement. “ The proposed Schegen protection mechanism aims to & nbsp; address situations where there is a serious threat to public policy or internal security that jeopardizes the overall functioning of the territory without & nbsp; internal border control '', & nbsp; & mdash; said in the & nbsp; message. In particular, the European Commission proposes, in the event of a recurrence of the situation on the border with Belarus, to take a number of measures, including reducing the number of existing checkpoints, strengthening measures to protect the external border of the EU, consideration of applications refugees for

US consults with EU on format of dialogue with Russia

“We & nbsp; continue to consult & nbsp; European partners to determine the format of the consultation and & nbsash; how to proceed & nbs; ; Jen Psaki said at the & nbsp; briefing (quoted from & nbsp; RIA Novosti). A spokesman for the State Department said that & nbsp; Washington is monitoring the situation around & nbsp; Ukraine, noting that & nbsp; it is important to stay within the & nbsp; diplomatic path. “ Good sign that & nbsp; diplomatic work continues '', & nbsp; & mdash; Ms Psaki answered the & nbsp; question about & nbsp; whether the White House is watching the actions of the Russian side aimed at & nbsp; de-escalation. The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called the goal of Kiev “peace through force” Joe Biden announced that & nbsp; Washington and & nbsp; some other NATO countries intend to discuss

Putin opposed the introduction of restrictions with QR codes on New Year's Eve

“Now, on New Year's Eve, it seems to me to introduce restrictions of this kind & nbsp; & mdash; a rather complicated story. Let's create a lot of problems for & nbsp; people & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the president, commenting on the reports of the Secretary of the General Council of United Russia; Andrey Turchak and & nbsp; Minister of Transport & nbsp; RF Vitaly Savelyev on the & nbsp; decision to remove from & nbsp; consideration the bill on & nbsp; introduction of QR codes on & nbsp; transport. The Head of State also listened to the explanations of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova about how & nbsp; restrictions related to & nbsp; QR codes are being introduced in & nbsp; other countries.

Negotiations on a nuclear deal with Iran are close to failure. It could threaten the Middle East with war

In the & nbsp; Austrian capital is the seventh stage of negotiations in & nbsp; format & laquo; 4 + 1 & raquo; with & nbsp; participation of the USA, Britain, France and & nbsp; Germany with & nbsp; one side and & nbsp; Iran & nbsp; & mdash; with & nbsp; another. In this round, Iran reportedly abandoned all the compromises that were reached in the previous six. A nuclear deal, which effectively & nbsp; deprives Iran of the ability to develop its own nuclear program in & nbsp; exchange for & nbsp; the lifting of economic sanctions was concluded between Washington and & nbsp; Tehran in & nbsp; 2015 during the & nbsp; Barack Obama administration. The next head of the White House, Donald Trump, pulled the United States out of & nbsp; this agreement, and & nbsp; new President Joe Biden initiated a return to & nbsp;

The State Duma adopted a law on the organization of public power in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

The draft law defines the principles of activity of regional authorities. Federal and & nbsp; regional bodies will be able to transfer part of their powers to each other, if this does not & nbsp; contradict the basic law. It is also stipulated that & nbsp; regional laws and & nbsp; regulations do not & nbsp; may contradict the constitution and & nbsp; federal laws. In addition, according to current legislation, the head of the region cannot & nbsp; be elected to the & nbsp; position of the highest official of the subject & nbsp; RF for more than two terms in a row. The bill proposes to exclude this requirement – the number of terms in office of governors will be determined by the regional legislatures. Also, the law will enable local parliaments to work remotely. In addition, the head of the region may be removed from the &

Parliament of Chechnya asked the head of the TFR and the Prosecutor General to check the words of Sokurov

The & nbsp; appeal to & nbsp; the name of the Attorney General contains a request to check whether & nbsp; does not & nbsp; fall under Article 20 of the Code (incitement to hatred or enmity, humiliation of human dignity) and & nbsp; 20.3.2 Administrative Code (public calls for & nbsp; violation of the territorial integrity of Russia). The full text of the document was published on the & nbsp; page of the Chechen parliament on & nbsp; Instagram. They also asked Krasnov to take a check for & nbsp; personal control. At the & nbsp; meeting of the Human Rights Council (HRC) with & nbsp; President Vladimir Putin on December 9 & nbsp; the director proposed to release “ everyone who & nbsp; no longer & nbsp; wants live with & nbsp; us in & nbsp; one state. The head of state called these words impermissible and &